Jack Tate
Mar 14, 2014
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Apr 30, 1957 (Age: 67)
U.S.A. Carmel by the sea

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Jack Tate

Member, Male, 67, from U.S.A. Carmel by the sea

" The Secret of CHANGE is to focus not on fighting the old! But on "Building the New" by Socrates Mar 18, 2014

    1. Jack Tate
      Jack Tate
      " The Secret of CHANGE is to focus not on fighting the old! But on "Building the New" by Socrates
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  • About

    Apr 30, 1957 (Age: 67)
    U.S.A. Carmel by the sea
    Tinnitus Since:
    My name is Jack, have a lovely wife and one daughter. Happily married 32 years!Many animals...love people nature.(Retired Engineer)Architect...inventor,oil artist,poet.Organic farming on my ranch,apricots,peach,plum,apple ,kiwi etc veggies .. Believe in natural healing. Got T 6 months ago,Through natural healing, have it down to almost zero some days...Bad days are 2-4 now..was 10 plus first few months...now peaceful days,tossed in with the, you know the ones! :dohanimation:thanx for stopping ...wish you the best @family...@ paw friends!

    one, I use a lot of is chamomile tea, and the capsules...helps cheers:beeranimation:

    I crawled out of the depths of a dark ocean
    to see the sunshine and heal me!

    If you surround yourself with positive people, they will have a positive influence in your life! be in the company of people that inspire you, inspire them when they need a hand. We all help each other!
    Remember T and life making it past the pain. Never forget the unknown share to let someone else follow.Everyday is a gift, t's cycle a mystery! a blessing the sunshine,even rainy dark days.Always a rainbow in the end! never give up HOPE! someday a cure for all! starts with you.We can heal through natural resources,meditation..rewire our brain, Music therapy where you play quiet easy listening music on repeat,we can reset" the cortaid neurons~