hello compatriot! I read your post months ago, how have you been in this time, have you improved? my best wishes.
I'm not totally habituated yet, but my ringing does not normally irk me. Now the only important issue left to recover completely my previous life is to be able to enjoy reading at night. I read every night and T does not bother me to understand what I'm reading, but I find my self quite a lot thinking on it. I believe that I’ll be able to let pass these thoughts soon. I guess that I'm doing well. What about you?
I am at a similar point. not habituated to T, but it bothers me less, maybe once or twice a day, and there are times when I think I don't have that whisper even if I look for it (I'm not sure). I guess it's a long process, but, hopefully, much better than in June. I know it may sound silly... but I still have a small hope that it will completely disappear!