That tinnitus makes you have to make alterations on the simplest of tasks sometimes. It makes normal things stressful. So when you have a lot to deal with already and on top of that a tinnitus spike, etc. It can be extremely overwhelming. It's not as simple as just trying to decrease stress and...
I've been to an oral surgeon and was told everything seems okay, But the fact I can modulate it up, and down makes me have some hope that this is a somatic cause that I could hopefully work on. My jaw does feel different on the side that my T is worse too.
Been having a lot of weird issues while driving as well. Feel like the right side of my neck/ear starts to go dullish. Its hard to explain i end up having to like tilt my head to one side and rub around the bottom of my ear else it almost worsens. Almost had to pull over the other day.
@Emgee Mine was tested up to 8k, I would definitely like to get it tested for higher frequency's. I was at 10 Db for everything except 3000hz I dropped to 20 which to my understanding is still "normal"