Joe C
May 3, 2020
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press operator/manufacturing

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Joe C

Member, Male, from Massachusetts

Just got in some sleep headphones called Amazfit Zenbuds. Going to give them a shot they seem promising. Supposedly a 7 day charge with case Sep 20, 2020

    1. Joe C
      Joe C
      Just got in some sleep headphones called Amazfit Zenbuds. Going to give them a shot they seem promising. Supposedly a 7 day charge with case
      1. Bill Bauer likes this.
    2. Joe C
      Joe C
      T still ripping in my right ear. Sleep schedules now 5am-1pm, Become extremely depressed and unmotivated. Pretty much lost all progress.
    3. Joe C
      Joe C
      Is it normal for T to increase in pitch with jaw movement? If I move my jaw forward it quiets. Is that only with TMJ or is this common?
      1. Joe C
        Joe C
        I've been to an oral surgeon and was told everything seems okay, But the fact I can modulate it up, and down makes me have some hope that this is a somatic cause that I could hopefully work on. My jaw does feel different on the side that my T is worse too.
        Jul 23, 2020
      2. Kriszti
        Unfortunately, many tinnitus patients without somatic origin can modulate the pitch and volume of the sounds by moving the neck/jaw. :(
        Jul 23, 2020
        LilSass and Joe C like this.
      3. ASilverLight
        It's pretty common. Unless you have a lot of TMJ symptoms I wouldn't think it likely.
        Jul 23, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    4. Joe C
      Joe C
      These fluctuations are crazy, Yesterday was absolute hell. Slept for 10 hours, and now today its been barely noticeable.
      1. Joe C
        Joe C
        Been having a lot of weird issues while driving as well. Feel like the right side of my neck/ear starts to go dullish. Its hard to explain i end up having to like tilt my head to one side and rub around the bottom of my ear else it almost worsens. Almost had to pull over the other day.
        Jul 18, 2020
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Eventually it ought to settle and fade.
        Jul 19, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    5. Joe C
      Joe C
      Anyone notice an increase in T after the shower? If I wear earplugs it stays the same but without them after its like noticeable louder?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Steph1710
        Yup. The shower always spikes my T. Such a pain cause I don't have a bath :-/
        Jul 9, 2020
        Joe C and Kriszti like this.
      3. acute
        Yes, after the shower, especially long showers.
        Jul 14, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
      4. ASilverLight
        Going back to this... earplugs make no difference, nor does the length of the shower, plus i get the same tone randomly from other things, so I genuinely don't know. Does always happen after a shower though
        Jul 19, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    6. Joe C
      Joe C
      Days have gotten easier, Nights still aren't great. Just trying to stay busy/moving. Its exhausting but cant just sit and dwell over it.
    7. Joe C
      Joe C
      Safe sleep medications? My doctor wants me to try amitriptyline, Im weary with its correlation to heart problems though.
      1. Joe C
        Joe C
        Im also a medical cannabis patient and it seems to have a bad reaction with cannabis as well.
        Jun 30, 2020
      2. serendipity1996
        I find Mirtazapine works really well for me.
        Jun 30, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    8. Joe C
      Joe C
      Still unfathomable to me that at 24 with no signs of hearing loss that I can have T this badly. Trying my best to just accept it.
      1. Lucifer, ASilverLight and Emgee like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ASilverLight
        Same here
        Jun 24, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
      4. Joe C
        Joe C
        @Emgee Mine was tested up to 8k, I would definitely like to get it tested for higher frequency's. I was at 10 Db for everything except 3000hz I dropped to 20 which to my understanding is still "normal"
        Jun 24, 2020
        Emgee likes this.
      5. Emgee
        @Joe C My tinnitus is also really bad. Had two standard audiograms that showed excellent hearing up to 8k. I wonder if we have high-frequency hearing loss or synapse damage.
        Jun 24, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    9. Joe C
      Joe C
      Can you get a hearing aid with a tinnitus masker without hearing loss? I'm having a really hard time masking/habituating
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Steph1710
        I believe you can just buy the masker. Someone sent me a link to some once. I'll try find it.
        Jun 2, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
      3. Steph1710
        Damn! It I deleted the message. Try typing maskers in the search bar - I'm sure they'll be posts about it.
        Jun 2, 2020
        Orions Pain and Joe C like this.
      4. Joe C
        Joe C
        Thank you very much guys!
        Jun 3, 2020
    10. LilSass
      @Joe C ! Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best and hope that things get better for you soon. Your ginger kitty is adorable BTW. :)
      1. Steph1710, Bill Bauer and Joe C like this.
      2. Joe C
        Joe C
        Thank you so much! I appreciate it and I hope you have an amazing day/night
        May 28, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
    11. Joe C
      Joe C
      1 year of manufacturing was not worth a lifetime of tinnitus.
      1. LilSass, Autumnly and Steph1710 like this.
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        It might end up being a lot less than a lifetime of tinnitus. It might only be something like 1-3 years before you get to the "can hear it only in quiet rooms" stage.
        May 27, 2020
        Joe C and Eloy Resendez Jr like this.
      3. Eloy Resendez Jr
        Eloy Resendez Jr
        Hang in there man! We've all been there, still are in some cases. Don't give up!!
        May 27, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    12. Joe C
      Joe C
      Literally just want to cry. I am so sick of this. Have a evaluation with a psychiatrist tomorrow hope that can help me gain some kind of pce
      1. View previous comments...
      2. vermillion
        Believe me I so much understand you.
        May 26, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
      3. OnceUponaTime
        Then cry. It may help you.
        May 27, 2020
        Joe C and Eloy Resendez Jr like this.
      4. LilSass
        I hope you feel better & the psychiatrist can help you. :)
        May 27, 2020
        Joe C likes this.
    13. Joe C
      Joe C
      Trying to stay positive today. Ordered Tru Niagen and going to try to get a Ct scan this week to look for reasons of my recent flare up.
      1. all to gain, Steph1710 and aot like this.
    14. Joe C
      Joe C
      Tonight my T is winning. I feel extremely physically and mentally stressed. Its making me feel alone and just defeated. Praying for relief
      1. Steph1710, HeavyMantra and Croaker like this.
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Your T is very new. The first three months are the worst. Hang in there, it ought to get better.

        If your T begins fading sometime over the next month or so, it ought to continue to fade.
        May 25, 2020
        Eloy Resendez Jr, Joe C and Steph1710 like this.
    15. Joe C
      Joe C
      Seeking advice for sleeping, and coping with mental stress caused by tinnitus. Open to any and all suggestions, thank you
      1. View previous comments...
      2. aot
        Rain sounds.
        May 15, 2020
      3. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Sound enrichment (the goal is to give yourself something else to listen to besides T) and amitriptyline...
        May 15, 2020
      4. Tavia R
        Tavia R
        What's seriously helped me is meditation. Once you achieve peace focus on the T. Have peace and T at the same time. Not very often we have positive experiences with our T. It retrains the brain to start associating T with peace. Really helping out my anxiety. More you do it, the better it works. Down side it, it's taken me months to get good at meditation.
        May 16, 2020
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  • About

    press operator/manufacturing
    Tinnitus Since:
    December 2019/ improved/ back past month
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise exposure, Think flare up is due to sinus/eust problems
    I'm 23 years old. Most of my life I had very light tinnitus due to wearing headphones. This past year I was in a car accident/and started a manufacturing job as well which both could be increasing my tinnitus symptoms. 5-6 months ago I put in an ear plug at work and it hurt. Then the area around my ear was aching as well. My tinnitus grew incredible loud to the point I could hear it over conversation. I was given prednisone, I believe it helped a little because until this month it wasn't noticeable intrusive unless I blocked it out. I do think I was suffering from a sinnus infection around this time as well but didn't really pay it mind. This month I felt as if I had symptoms of a middle ear infection again. Timnitus grew very loudly again like I left a concert. I was given prednisone over the phone due to the virus but my ear wasn't actually looked at. It didn't improve my tinnitus at all and now it has been greatly impacting my sleep, stress level, and anxiety. I have recently went to an ENT and showed no significant hearing loss. I was told I have Eustachian tube dysfunction and was put on Fluticasone Propionate which is what I was given 5-6 months back. This time im not seeing any noticeable improvement at all. I hope the damage hasnt already been done. Going to try to get a CT this week as well as getting into a dentist to check my TMJ and a neurologist to check for any other causes as well. Considering having the plastic tube placed in my Eustachian tube but i fear it will make my T more clear or worse?