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  • Hi I'm Julia from South Australia I've had wind sounds and ringing in my left ear for 3 weeks non stop plus vertigo, I'm going insane
    Hi JurgenG, I had a head cold a few weeks before the tinnitus started, I had an MRI last week and they found nothing wrong with my ear but they did find a lesion in my right frontal lobe, not sure if it has anything to do with tinnitus, I have hearing loss now too, I'm praying it stops soon.
    Have you been to an ENT already? You should look to threads on the forum where they mention "a cold" or sinusitis. Did they say anything about that lesion?
    I'm trying to get an appointment with an ENT tomorrow, they are doing another MRI in 3 months to see if the lesion has grown or changed, I'll look in the threads now, thank you
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