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  • Firework went off so close to me, this might be the end. I have no insurance what do i do if it's bad?
    Almost 24hrs, and so far it's okay. Bought vitamin A,C, and E and took Mag and NAC. Just gotta play it cool for the next week or two.
    Still feeling okayish.
    Would be cool if my TMD and ETD stopped so I gauge my T without them interfering.
    Yeah going thru a spike. Feel like it'll subside at some point (hopefully), since it's not too bad but still pretty noticeable.
    Truck honking their horn which sounded like a train horn. No idea how loud it really was, i was on the freeway. I can't catch a break :/
    Roommate is going to a concert tonight and asked me for earplugs. I feel proud lol.
    Keep getting these brief moments throughout the day where my right ear tenses up and T slightly increases. Feel like it may be ETD related.
    T doesn't seem too bad lately. Perhaps a little. Distortions/reactivity are acting up a bit though. You win some and loose some I guess…
    set off the smoke alarms while cookin. probably less than a minute, thankfully i was wearing muffs. here's to hoping they were enough.
    T seemed pretty loud today after a nap. Trying not panic as much. IDK how some people can handle it, you are all stronger than you know.
    Ya this new tone is kinda annoying. Hate playing the waiting game to see how it progresses. Hoping it decreases within a few weeks. Idk.
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