L along the way
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Jul 25, 2024 at 9:15 AM
Aug 26, 2023
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L along the way

Member, Male

I feel sad about this, this has been so much suffering, caused by acoustic harm. I just wish rest. Healing. I pray it is possible, a new day Jul 15, 2024

L along the way was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 9:15 AM
    1. L along the way
      L along the way
      I feel sad about this, this has been so much suffering, caused by acoustic harm. I just wish rest. Healing. I pray it is possible, a new day
      1. tpj, 4Grace, Juliane and 2 others like this.
    2. 4Grace
      Hey my friend. Hope you are doing better. Love you and I keep praying for you.
      1. L along the way likes this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Thank you. Ups and downs. Trying to follow a good flow, trying to not stay down. It has been harsh, but may things eventually get better, day by day, some life areas have improved, while some areas.. i just felt frustrated and down sometimes. The hurt and harm.. i hope it will heal.. I just try to do my best to follow a good flow on the new day. I hope you are well too buddy, I pray too.. love & greets
        Jul 14, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
    3. ellees
      have you tried gabapentin? if so, did it worsen your tinnitus?
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Haven't tried it.. i sometimes take anti pain meds or a drink before sleep.. other than that i try to live a healthy lifestyle.. resting a lot, plant based food, inspiration and sometimes just distracting myself. But a balanced and healthy lifestyle feels valuable and inspiring, it gives me hope for a better future
        Jul 3, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
    4. L along the way
      L along the way
      There's just a lot of sadness here.. last few weeks have been very rough. I try to allow the emotions. Praying for things to get better
      1. 4Grace, Juliane, tpj and 2 others like this.
    5. L along the way
      L along the way
      If there be a a 0.1% improvement by the day, i would directly sign for that. I wish a good outlook for the future. A new day, a better day
      1. Juliane and Sansa like this.
    6. Chess
      How are you doing?
      1. 4Grace and L along the way like this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Hey @Chess thank you for asking. Well... it has been ups and downs, i have been struggling to find calm/ease centeredness within. I have been going out for walks a lot, and have had better sleep, and also found some relaxation in gaming. But my overall wellbeing, i don't know.. sadly i've been feeling more the sense of discomfort than easeness..
        Jun 5, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        I truly hope and pray some day to just feel well again. The only thing really helps me is the hope that it will heal with time, but then again, we still have to ride the journey of daily life.. how are you doing? Wishing a good day
        Jun 5, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
      4. Chess
        It's the same for me. Mostly discomfort and despair, rarely easeness. I feel empty... I hope you start to heal soon!
        Jun 7, 2024
        4Grace and L along the way like this.
    7. L along the way
      L along the way
      A new day, hoping for a better day
      1. SharonBell, Juliane, Ngo13 and 2 others like this.
      2. 4Grace
        This will keep you going. I pray one day it will be that better day for you and everyone on here. Sharon is proof it can be done. Sadly I do not feel this applies to me.
        May 17, 2024
        SharonBell and L along the way like this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Thank you friend, i appreciate it a lot. But to be honest, i'm also not sure at all.. :( this stuff is absolutely berserk. I pray too, one day everything will be okay for us all who have to suffer from this. I don't know why, but let it all be not for nothing please, we've come too far. Endured so much.. Wishing strength & ease.. some better day
        May 18, 2024
        Chess, 4Grace and SharonBell like this.
    8. L along the way
      L along the way
      What's there to say.. i try to inspire myself & have hope & faith.. but the actual reality of the situation is just so.. harshly unpleasant
      1. SharonBell and 4Grace like this.
    9. L along the way
      L along the way
      (3) what's there to say.. just respect for everyone on here.. keep on breathing, hope to find a better day
      1. SharonBell, 4Grace, tpj and 1 other person like this.
    10. L along the way
      L along the way
      (2) trauma/damage. It's not natural at all. I just wish to be well again. This continuous impuls/disturbance/stressor is berserk
      1. SharonBell, 4Grace, tpj and 1 other person like this.
    11. L along the way
      L along the way
      (1)All in all it's just awful to be honest. For me, t feels like a continuous auditory pain stressor, and i know this is because of acoustic
      1. SharonBell, 4Grace, tpj and 1 other person like this.
    12. L along the way
      L along the way
      Mindfulness practises, natural lifestyle, wishing ease, hope, going moment by moment.. this can't be rushed.. i hope it may be a better day
      1. SharonBell, 4Grace and SilverFox like this.
      2. Pinhead
        I find it hard to be mindful when there is no mind left at all. Between work and sleep, there is only time for the noise.
        May 15, 2024
    13. L along the way
      L along the way
      What a situation this has become.. who would have known.. i just wish to experience natural wellbeing again
      1. SharonBell, 4Grace, tpj and 2 others like this.
      2. Juliane
        Health is wealth. But I knew this. I don't need this lesson. This lesson teaches me absolutely nothing.
        May 11, 2024
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        I learned this too.. hoping we can get our health & wellbeing back some day, some good day
        May 12, 2024
        4Grace and Juliane like this.
      4. 4Grace
        @Juliane - I knew this too. However, there is no learning like experiencing it every day.
        May 17, 2024
        L along the way and tpj like this.
    14. L along the way
      L along the way
      Saying (to myself) some day..some day..and going with a new day.. please with some ease.. going for a walk, watching the birds, bees & trees
      1. Juliane and 4Grace like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Same here.. i don't know what to say.. this stuff has been so harsh.. i pray for a break, unwinding and relief
        Jun 1, 2024
      4. 4Grace
        @L along the way - my God. I can’t believe we are doing some of the same things. I’m so tired. Worsening badly. I met up with some friends yesterday, I forget that other people are living. This just got a lot harder for me.
        Jun 1, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        The feeling that this situation is totally unfair i also share.. questions like why why.. i mean.. there's no answer i guess.. what else can we do, than do our best in daily life. I struggle with the idea of hope in that regards, to find joy in daily life. But i mean.. this can not be the destination, it can't. Saying every day, it can and will get better
        Jun 2, 2024
    15. L along the way
      L along the way
      Allow me to vent.. it has been harsh harsh.. what's there to say or do.. help help dare i say too.. but it didn't help.. thusfar :(
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    16. L along the way
      L along the way
      @Juliane i also genuinely appreciate everyone on tt. We are all unique, but we all seek relief.. I'm learning from everyone's sharings..
      1. Juliane and 4Grace like this.
    17. L along the way
      L along the way
      For me.. in my situation.. i try to find untense so to say, and slow down.. slow down.. going day to day..
      1. 4Grace and Juliane like this.
    18. L along the way
      L along the way
      My mood is swingy, and i do feel anxious a lot sadly.. t painful.. and looking for solutions.. but sleep has improved which is huge
      1. 4Grace and Juliane like this.
      2. 4Grace
        Awesome news with sleep!
        May 10, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Thank you :), last night was quite horrible again (3-4 hrs tossing and turning, and then having thought of how too ridiculous for words this all is). I'd also not believe it if it weren't happening. But trying to have faith, better days ahead some how some way friend
        May 10, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
    19. L along the way
      L along the way
      After such a long time of sleeping issues.. this is one thing i'm grateful for, for now.. having a few solid night's sleep
      1. 4Grace, tpj and streifzug like this.
    20. L along the way
      L along the way
      Luckily, sleep has improved recent few days. I'm now also either using melatonine, or sleeping meds
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    21. L along the way
      L along the way
      Last night terrible insomnia again.. awake for 4-5hrs.. hearing painful tsskkshhkksss.. god.. how i hope to find easeful sleep again
      1. Juliane, aab and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        I feel your pain. Last 2 nights were bad for me, and that's even taking 50 mg Quviviq (newer sleep med) before bedtime and 3 mg Ambien overnight. Broken sleep and waking up with high anxiety, to boot.
        May 6, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Pfuh bro.. sorry to hear to that as well. Tonight i took a double dose of temazepam, and i was already very tired yesterday. I slept like a rose, wow heh. I feel much better today. Still there is the anxiety and t.. but i feel that today well.. just some renewed energy. Sleep is so crucial i learn more and more. Hope someday we can all sleep easefully again
        May 7, 2024
        4Grace and RunningMan like this.
    22. L along the way
      L along the way
      Fkk t.. fkk tinttt i hope you'll be washed away tinttt.. we will surive !! Some fkn how !
      1. 4Grace, streifzug and BB23 like this.
    23. L along the way
      L along the way
      Please we will find ease again some fkn day some fkn day... sigh....
      1. 4Grace and tpj like this.
    24. L along the way
      L along the way
      It will end some day some how.. i hope we can all find ease again.. my gosh.. i'm exhausted.. fkn tinttt fkk..
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    25. L along the way
      L along the way
      My honest experience,this has been too much..it's just fkn ridiculous..i feel like these years i've been suffering beyond words to be honest
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        !!! ❤️
        May 10, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
    26. L along the way
      L along the way
      To us all.. should not forget, we didn't ask for this.. this madness.. man.. trying to be kind to ourselves, this is harshness.. sigh
      1. 4Grace and Karolina like this.
    27. L along the way
      L along the way
      When will there be some relief? When will things feel at ease again? Sigh.. keep breathing nature..
    28. L along the way
      L along the way
      Tsskssksskkttt painful t fkn burning ears nerves from the inside.. it's just fkn painful uffffff
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 4Grace
        I really thinking of Gabapentin at this point I have it a home.
        May 10, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      4. 4Grace
        I really thinking of Gabapentin at this point I have it a home.
        May 10, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        Of course follow your own intuition about it, but if it were me, i'd for now definitely give it a go
        May 10, 2024
    29. L along the way
      L along the way
      I'm agnostic but thank god for tt forum
      1. Juliane likes this.
    30. L along the way
      L along the way
      There are joyful moments too.. but the overshadowing of t is just so painful and sad.. sigh.. go easy.. a new day.. things may get better
      1. tpj likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        Joyful moments are good. It’s something
        May 10, 2024
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic trauma