Mike TerMaaten

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  • Hi Mike, I'm Doug and I'm new to TT. On Oct6, 2018you posted "I had given myself minor ear damage from Car-audioBassSpeakers(17-18).Didn't hear it (I'm assuming T)until my 30's when I spent time near a 15''sub woofer"
    This sounds similar to my T(loud bass,hip hop concert,but no hearing damage)
    May I Pls ask?
    How long did your 1st noise induced T last?
    How absolutely rediculous. The previous message i wrote you there was the complete maximum of 140 characters. Not nearly enough to ( done !
    When i lay in bed, in my completely silent room, my Ears not just pitch black/ drop dead silent. . Only a little noise. ONly 140 leter
    Hey Mike, congratulations on being 99% T free! I picked up sound-induced T roughly 9 weeks ago. I'm curious... what's the 1% you still hear? Do you still hear the hissing (assuming your T alternated from hissing to minor tones). Also, how reactive was your T?
    I appreciate this following.. how is everyone knowing when i write something in my profile page.
    Mike TerMaaten
    I just click the RETURN button, to write a new line, and it then Posts what i've written thus far. I wasn't done writing. I'm doing very well my T. is nearly over.
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