Recent content by yup

  1. Y

    Will Increasing Hearing Loss Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    Thank you everyone who replied. I can't tell you how much that means to be. Anyone who does not have tinnitus just has no idea just how exhausting it is. Update - I got hearing aids fitted yesterday. They have programmed white noise into them so right now I am sitting listening to this noise...
  2. Y

    Will Increasing Hearing Loss Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    Looking for some advice and encouragement... I have (mild) low frequency hearing loss in my left ear and (moderate) high frequency hearing loss in right ear and I'm in my mid forties. I have moderate 6-7/10 tinnitus in my left ear. Having just had another hearing test, it looks as though my...
  3. Y

    4 Years Later, Tinnitus Recently Got Worse, Desperate for Help — Possible ETD?

    Dear all, I have been a lurker on this forum for some time and I've finally decided to introduce myself as I feel I'm going to be here for the long term. When I was about 19 years old (I am 47 now), I went diving and had trouble equalizing the air pressure in my left ear. I got checked out...
  4. Y

    Tinnitus with Anxiety, Irritability, Anxiety, and Depression — Nobody Seems to Care!

    I have already seen an ENT in Brighton and had tests. Nothing found. The ENT just gave me a BTA leaflet and that was it. That happened about 3.5 years ago. I am now off work due to the tinnitus and have had to leave home and move in with my parents who are trying hard to support me mentally. My...
  5. Y

    Tinnitus with Anxiety, Irritability, Anxiety, and Depression — Nobody Seems to Care!

    I contacted the British Tinnitus Association to find out which NHS trusts offer TRT but they were unable to tell me. I can't seem to find out on Google either. My GP was not helpful. Michael Leigh, is there a way of finding out where to get this treatment? It's been 3 years now and it's getting...
  6. Y

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    @Michael Leigh. Michael, you appear to be well respected on the forum and knowledgeable and as I also live in Brighton I thought I would try and reach out to you. My tinnitus started in March 2018 and I went to see an acupuncturist for help. He told me lots of people approached him at that time...
  7. Y

    Taking a Vitamin D Supplement Has Improved My Tinnitus Significantly

    Hi, wanted to say that I was found to have acutely low Vit D levels in January this year. Since taking supplements, I have found my tinnitus improving slightly. I will see how it pans out as it gets real loud in the winter.