Maithe Marshall
Last Activity:
Sep 1, 2014
Feb 23, 2014
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Oct 13, 1993 (Age: 30)
New Mexico
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Maithe Marshall

Member, Female, 30, from New Mexico

Fuck t. Fuck ear problems I'm gonna live my life the way I want to! I will get over this shit Apr 11, 2014

Maithe Marshall was last seen:
Sep 1, 2014
    1. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      Fuck t. Fuck ear problems I'm gonna live my life the way I want to! I will get over this shit
      1. leanna rose, gary and citigirl13 like this.
    2. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      T louder tonight...I have so much pressure around my nose and ears..I feel like half my face is under water. Ugh...I hate life
    3. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      I just wish someone could take the pain away..
      1. kaitlyn
        thinking of you maithe, stay strong! im here for you.
        Mar 17, 2014
      2. Maithe Marshall
        Maithe Marshall
        Thank you so much.
        Mar 17, 2014
    4. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      Scared :( ugh probably traveling by train back to Virginia to be with family and see good drs
    5. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      My ears hurt so bad :( so much pressure and sharp pains :/ headed to ENT this week and hopefully get relief from this hell.
    6. kaitlyn
      Hello maithe.
      I am 17 and have t. I know what you're going through. If you need to talk feel free to message me.
      1. Maithe Marshall likes this.
    7. Mark McDill
      Mark McDill
      Just catching up with you; haven't heard from you in a while. Look for small victories each day; don't fret the set backs.


      1. Maithe Marshall likes this.
      2. Maithe Marshall
        Maithe Marshall
        Thank you. I haven't been on because my husband was in he hospital from Friday to Sunday. He is well now! I still have a bunch of fluid in my ears and pressure..they still ache and feel horrible. The er dr Friday told me that's due to the fluid they said I have a lot:/ so I don't know. Seeing a ENT hopefully this week.
        Mar 10, 2014
      3. Mark McDill
        Mark McDill
        Well, then I'll keep both of you in prayer (hope hubby is doing ok, a weekend in the Hospital doesn't sound like a picnic)
        Mar 11, 2014
      4. Maithe Marshall
        Maithe Marshall
        Thank you I could use a good prayer. I appreciate it a lot.
        Mar 11, 2014
    8. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      Trying to take things one day at a time..
    9. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      Feeling a bit better tonight, I know life still goes on..I'm sure I will get through this. So glad I found this forum.
    10. Ser
      Be strong Maithe, I know how hard it is. The reason I haven't gave up early was my 11 y.o. sister (I am 22).
      I said to myself - ''wait and see if it's going to get better. just wait'''s getting a bit better, it takes baby steps, but it does. :)
      1. Maithe Marshall likes this.
      2. Maithe Marshall
        Maithe Marshall
        Thank you srdjan :) I am very happy that I found this forum. Today was very very hard for me and having everyone supporting comments and words of encouragement has helped me a lot. I feel good now. My anxiety has gone away a bit :)
        Feb 25, 2014
    11. Maithe Marshall
      Maithe Marshall
      Having my ups and downs..I don't know what to do..this is so hard..
      1. alifalijohn likes this.
      2. alifalijohn
        Hang in there stay strong! God bless you ! Huggs!
        Jun 1, 2014
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  • About

    Oct 13, 1993 (Age: 30)
    New Mexico
    None yet.
    Tinnitus Since:
    Last week.
    I'm currently trying to join the Air Force ( my husband is in already, it's been my dream since high school to be in the military!) I have a beautiful daughter whose 1 years old. I'm married to my high sweetheart on May 30th it will be two years of marriage and almost 4 years together.