I am having a hard time dealing with the low rumble/hum/thumping nose in my left ear.
I have been dealing with tinnitus since August with mostly a high pitch ring in my right ear.
In November the rumble was present and went away a few weeks later.
Now in the last two weeks the rumble...
It seems to start sometimes watching TV. The neighbor next door has kids and the jumping vibrating of the floors have set it off. Sometimes anxiety makes it worse.
Has anyone found a solution, something that works?
I do not like to hear it at night. I can’t sleep on that side.
I need help. I have been hearing a low rumble, like a car engine, in my left ear. It comes and goes at all different times of the day and night.
I also notice it is worse when the TV is at a low volume.
What is this? Does this happen to any other fellow Tinnitus Talk reader? Any suggestions...