20+ Years with Tinnitus


Mar 2, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Long time "listener" here (should I say hear?).

T onset after a Joan Jett concert more than 20 years ago. Spent way too much time in the clubs in my 20s. T has caused some anxiety over the years but I guess I've habituated; obtained BS, MS, and PhD degrees AFTER T came on in late 20s. Career going well. I generally only hear the tea kettle when in quiet places. Unfortunately I may have bumped up the volume a bit recently by going to see some friends play in a club, even though I was wearing earplugs. I'd gone out to see them about 4 months back (earplugs of course) with no noticeable negative effects. Had been really REALLY good avoiding loud noise for 20 years. Nothing over 50 dB for me from now on. LOL Guess I have something to talk about with my therapist on next visit....Am a bit sleep deprived from business travel so perhaps that's having an influence too.

On a related note, I've noticed in past few days that if I turn my head far to one side or clench my jaw the hiss is replaced with a slightly louder ringing. I understand this is not uncommon. Have never sought an evaluation and audiological exam but will do so soon. Probably some form of treatment as well.

Lastly, I do believe habituation can/will happen in most cases.

Wow! T for 20 years and sounds like you are doing great (I'm only 1 year old). My T screams when I turn my head to the right or left (or clinch my jaw) too; they say that is normal for T. It only reinforces my suspicion that my T has its origin in my upper cervical area (no cartilage between C 5/6/7). I'm curious about what kind of treatment you are seeking for your neck.

Very inspiring hearing that you are doing so good!

Hey Mark. Thanks. Funny you mention treatment for neck. Not really seeking such; looking for evaluation (possibly some treatment) aimed at the T in general. That said, about 10 days ago I awoke with a very stiff neck that abated some but not entirely. I suffered a mild/moderate whiplash about ten years ago and have had occasional on and off stiffness (slightly right of midline) since. Acts up a couple times a year. If this stiffness is aggravating my T that ends up easing a bit when neck "loosens", I'll be delighted. I do believe however that my T is primarily due to noise-related hearing loss.
So I guess, that the kind of tinnitus, that you both have (Michael and Mark) is residing in the middle of your head? And I guess, that you also got your tinnitus, Mark, from a noise trauma (concert or the like)? In that case, I have it the exact same way with the jaw describings. I got mine from an action movie in a cinema, where I was sitting close to a way too loud speaker. Suffer for a year now.

Michael, I have a _really_ hard time continuing my career as a software developer. Trying to read a text and gathering focus is so damn hard and frustrates me like crazy. Can you remember, if you had those kind of trouble in the early times of your T?


Hard for to tell if it's middle of head or both ears. Increase in volume when I turn my head is left ear only. The otolaryngologist I saw yesterday did not think much of this as far as diagnosis/treatment, etc.

Back to 20 years ago, I'm pretty sure I was a mess for a few weeks. I believe that provided one's T is not severe, habituation occurs. In a quiet room we notice it and think "oh, there it is...". Interesting how the brain adapts. Of course I'm a bit out of sorts with recent increase in T level and my concentration and sleep have been compromised once again. But I'm fairly confident of some abatement in the level in the next couple of months and/or acclimation yet again. I suggest you adopt the use of some white noise. I'm using the sound of rainfall at work these days. Also see a good physiologist for some time until you sort things out. I like reading about how nearly EVERYONE hears ringing in very quiet places. Guess we just get to hear the brain music more often than most. :rolleyes:
Thanks for your reply, Michael.

One thing that has been hard for me is to try and put myself on a scale compared to other sufferers. I have quite early in my time with T thought that my T was quite more severe than the average other sufferers, that I spoke to. I was on sleeping pills the first two months, otherwise I didnt get any sleep.

I love to hear from other people's tinnitus experiences, because that is the best way to understand my own situation. And I love to hear, that a lot of people are coping with it and stays positive and happy. You have all my respect :)
You're welcome Martin. I'm no expert, but do understand that individuals are often evaluated in ways which estimate severity as measured by perceived loudness and pitch. Probably much to learn on this site about that. Would seem to me that these assessments are very subjective.

BTW an edit to my post. Where I said physiologist I meant to say psychologist. I'd be lost without one.

Best wishes,
Hi Michael,

I have a couple questions: over the past 20 years-- how often would you notice your T ... was it the kind of thing you had to be in a totally silent room and try to listen for--- only heard with your fingers in your ears type of thing...and did you ever have any spikes

did you sleep with masking sounds at first or for periods of time over the years

Hi Michael,

I have a couple questions: over the past 20 years-- how often would you notice your T ... was it the kind of thing you had to be in a totally silent room and try to listen for--- only heard with your fingers in your ears type of thing...and did you ever have any spikes

did you sleep with masking sounds at first or for periods of time over the years


To the best of my recollection I never forgot I had it, but I would notice it only in the quietest places (I wouldn't listen for it...I'd hear it) and when I put in ear plugs for hearing protection. No spikes from noise, and I've been going to loud places with protection several times a year at least. Only time my T got louder was when sleep deprived and/or considerably stressed, for others reasons I should add. Never used masking. All that said I should add that my T has been fairly minor until recently (though getting a bit better) and I simply got used to the low volume but high pitched hiss.

Given your recent onset, and provided yours is not a severe case, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that it will fade and/or you'll habituate.

Hope this helps.
This is the first I've heard of ringing getting louder when your teeth are clenched, but I'm new to any kind of support or forum. I tried it and mine also got louder. Interesting.

Also interesting to hear people share about masking noises. I can always hear my tinnitus, but having the tv on at low levels helps when I'm alone in the house. I also sleep with the tv on, as my T is loud enough to keep me awake.

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