A Tweaking Jingling Noise, Like a Tiny Bird Chirping — Anyone's Tinnitus Similar to Mine?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Falx, Jun 27, 2022.

    1. Falx

      Falx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, possibly virus.
      January this year I awoke one night with a very loud and high pitched tone in my left ear much like an old CRT TV. Over the last five months it started moving between ears, sometimes both (right now it's only in my right ear) and the solid tone has gradually become a tweaking jingling noise, like a tiny bird chirping in my ear or like a tiny chain being jingled. It follows no pattern and the volume climbs and falls randomly. Some days I wake up and it's gone until the evening.

      GPs have been less than helpful sadly, took a hearing test which came back normal for my age and I saw an ENT who had nothing to offer other than recommend an MRI.

      I've not found much if anyone who described tinnitus like this, any thoughts would be appreciated!
    2. Tom_Tom

      Tom_Tom Member

      Kent, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      February 2022
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure, probably power tools
      Your tinnitus sounds very similar to mine.

      I have a hissing static in my right ear that fluctuates in intensity and a ringing in my left ear.

      About a month into getting tinnitus I also developed a chirping sound that is just like birds outside the house chirping to each other.

      Mine is reactive to sound, so when I am in total silence there is barely any chirping or it is very quiet. When a tap is running or I am driving and there is constant noise, the chirping loudness ramps up and the pitch starts to change so it almost actually sounds like bird song.

      It's probably the most distressing noise because it's not constant so it's very hard to get used to it.
    3. Terry23

      Terry23 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yes, similar to what I've had for the past two months, after years of a relative stable baseline. It diminished for a couple of days, then came back today.

      Because it fluctuates and is triggered off by sounds, as opposed to sounds covering it up, its harder to ignore.

      Breathe deep, distract yourself from it. There will be times when you notice it less and less.
    4. AUTHOR

      Falx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, possibly virus.
      Yeah I've been trying various things to see what makes it better or worse and noticed that any loud or higher pitch noise sets off the twitching sounds. Clicking my mouse buttons triggers it 90% of the time!
    5. Chris Clarke

      Chris Clarke Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My tinnitus is like a host of sparrows chirping away, when I say host I’m hoping that’s the right description for a hedgerow packed with sparrows all chirping at once.

      I have hearing aids with tinnitus support, but they are not that helpful.

      Has anyone looked into Cortexi? It’s American and can only be purchased online. I tried, but my bank wouldn’t allow the transaction, which led me to believe it was a scam. Sometimes, desperate measures come into play. I’m close to that now.
    6. RocketJSquirrel

      RocketJSquirrel Member Benefactor

      California, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Rock concert
      Yes, there's a thread about Cortexi.

      It didn't work at all for me.
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