Allergy Shots — Has Anyone Tried Them?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Marias21, Apr 10, 2014.

    1. Marias21

      Marias21 Member

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Im thinking about getting allergies shots to reduce my symptoms because this has been the worst i have ever been i usually get Eczema and itching but this congestion and T has been a Hell for me has any one tryed them
    2. citigirl13

      citigirl13 Member

      North Yorkshire, England
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have not tried them I'm afraid, so I can't give you much advice. How is your T/congestion going? My T is actually not really bothering me at the moment - it is very low. But my congestion symptoms are annoying me. I am getting sinus and facial pain which is annoying me because I have not had them in a while. Hopefully will go.
    3. AUTHOR

      Marias21 Member

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm doing ok some days good some bad the one thing I've noticed is that when I stay in my house my t is not there but as soon as I go out my the ringing start I'm going down to san Diego on May 1 to see the best ent in California he was on the dr tv show he do e tube dialation so I hope I can do that to get rid of this
    4. AUTHOR

      Marias21 Member

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My husband friend has t due to allergies I found out last night his come and go but around this time his ear rings till the summer comes last night as soon as I walked in the door my t went so loud I guess becuse the gardener in my apartment complex was cutting the grass in the morning and my husband had Windows open
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    5. NadiaMayl

      NadiaMayl Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I’ve been on allergy shots for a little over a year. I started suffering from allergies about 8 years ago, horrible symptoms to the point of landing me in the urgent care with asthma-type symptoms.
      Allergy shots have taken away most of my symptoms, except during very high pollen days, but they’re totally bareable.
      My T came about six months after allergy shots, and I don’t feel there is a relation on spiking with shots for me.
    6. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Okay. I have question. There have been a few times where I took an antihistamine and the next day upon waking my tinnitus was a lot less. However, on the second, third, or fourth day, my tinnitus would spike well beyond normal and I had to stop taking it. The tinnitus would also sound distorted, for example, I could hear crickets and chirping instead of a whistle or tone. I'm wondering if it is because antihistamines can thicken mucus but I'm really not 100% sure that is why. I really don't know.

      How long do allergy shots last for and what is the mechanism they have in the ear that helps you alls tinnitus?
    7. Brooklyn NY

      Brooklyn NY Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 5, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      probably pepto bismo and aspercreme
      Hi, I highly recommend allergy shots. I have fairly severe seasonal allergies which are held in check through injections. Most importantly, I avoid having to use dangerous medications like anti histamines. As an added bonus about 20 years ago, allergy shots cured my migraine headaches, which were terrible. Good luck.

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