Are strange sounds a symptom of tinnitus?


May 8, 2012
Washington State, USA
Tinnitus Since
04/15/2012 or earlier?
Cause of Tinnitus
Most likely hearing loss
Interesting...not that I believe it mind you.

Hong Chung - Merritt Herald

A typical sign of aging is the dulling of the sensory organs, particularly the ears. Yet these days, many young people also are experiencing an ear disorder called tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a condition in which sound is heard from the inner auditory system unrelated to externally produced sound. It often appears when a person with a weak physical constitution and lack of stamina is exposed to excessive noise, experiences extreme stress, irregular eating patterns, sleep deprivation, and/or is overworked without adequate relaxation. Symptoms include not only sound (such as a "ringing in the ears") but also hearing impairment, a sensation of blockage of the ear, vertigo, migraine headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, nausea, joint and/or neck pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, neurasthenia, and more. The following causes of tinnitus have been identified within Eastern medicine.

Deficiency of qi
Severe long-term illness or compounded fatigue can weaken a person's qi (original energy). This can cause tinnitus. Typical symptoms include weakness in the limbs, lack of appetite, and feeling easily fatigued.

Lack of blood
When too much blood is lost during surgery or while giving birth, blood is not supplied adequately to the ears which can then cause tinnitus. Typical symptoms include pale complexion, heart palpitations, vertigo, anemia, and more.

Deterioration of spleen and stomach function.
When the spleen and stomach are weakened by indigestion, food stagnation, or under- or over-eating, they are unable to send clear qi to the eyes or ears. This commonly results in feelings such as bloating or indigestion, weakness of the limbs, heavy-headedness, and more.

Weakened kidneys
According to Eastern medicine, the ear is "supervised" by the kidneys (this being one of their main functions). Aging, long term fatigue, or an excessive sex life can cause blockage of qi and blood movement to the ears, resulting in tinnitus. The body becomes emaciated, the complexion darkens, lips become dry, and one urinates frequently. Sound is weak and lower than in other types. This is the most common form of tinnitus.

In this case, tinnitus occurs when phlegm transforms into "fire" and blocks the ear orifices. The distinctive feature is phlegm, and is frequently accompanied by migraines and vertigo. The nervous system becomes sensitive, anxiety is present along with heart palpitations and indigestion, and the tinnitus sound is very loud.

Liver qi stagnation
This type of tinnitus occurs in a person who is testy, susceptible to stress, or has had a mentally traumatic experience. These cause the liver's qi to stagnate, leading to "fire" moving towards the ears, and resulting in a hot temper, red complexion, and sleep disorder.

Otitis media (middle ear infections), injury of the neck, and poisoning by drugs, toxins, or gas can also cause tinnitus.

Treatment of tinnitus depends on its causes. In general, it takes two to six months with acupuncture and herbs. But tinnitus is one disease that is not easy to cure because most afflicted patients are elderly people whose overall energy levels have decreased.
Every time I get acupunture my T gets lower. Yes he is working on the kidneys.


So how many acupuncture sessions have you had? I did 2 and found no benefit so I stopped. Maybe that was too soon to quit. With other things I've tried acupuncture for I got immediate results, so maybe my expectations were too high.


Does your tinnitus stay lower, or go back up?

I had a number of acupuncture sessions, and it helped me to be calmer, but did not help my tinnitus. It's been over a year since the last time. Maybe I gave up too soon! I'm glad to hear it is working for you, so far.
Along with the vitamins it gets the T lower. It stays lower for a time and then goes back up. I had a session on Monday and it is lower today. I need to see how long it stays low before rising again. I have gone to see him about 20 times now, for different issues. But I saw a difference in about 4 sessions. It all depends on who you go to. I went to a chinese guy last year in chinatown in NY, went 3 times and I gave up. I found someone else and he makes it lower. According to him , when he reads my tongue and my blood I have a problem with the kidneys and that is the area that causes T according to chinese medicine. No coincidence there. I need to go more often regularly to see if it can go even lower but I don't have the time or the money.

Karen, are you still taking the homeopathic drops for the T? The graphites worked so well for me that it took my T away from my right ear. Now I have to get rid of the pulsating in my left ear. The ones I suggestion you never helped me.
Hi, Cookie,
I guess the message in this is to try different acupuncturists! I have been to three different practitioners; the first one (Korean) insisted that I take some Chinese medicine along with the treatments that I was wary about, so I did not go back. The second person helped me at the start of my tinnitus; I had many issues, including anxiety, adrenal fatigue, etc. He helped me a lot, but not with my tinnitus. The third (Chinese/American) helped me calm down; he tried many things to help me with my pulsating, but none worked. Recently, I have been going to a chiropractic neurologist; he has helped me a lot with balance issues, and is working with me on calming the part of my brain that may be causing the tinnitus. So far, tinnitus is calmer, but certainly not gone.

No, I am no longer taking the homeopathic Ear Ringing formula. I'm glad to hear the graphites helped you so much! I may try those again; only tried it once, and could not tell a difference. I hope the acupuncture treatments continue to work for you!
Hi Ellen. We bought homeopathic drops from Newton Labs. There are 2 that help with T. "Ear Ring Formula" and "Graphites" Only the latter helped me. But did it ever. You can find them on-line. Good luck.
Hi, Cookie,
I guess the message in this is to try different acupuncturists! I have been to three different practitioners; the first one (Korean) insisted that I take some Chinese medicine along with the treatments that I was wary about, so I did not go back. The second person helped me at the start of my tinnitus; I had many issues, including anxiety, adrenal fatigue, etc. He helped me a lot, but not with my tinnitus. The third (Chinese/American) helped me calm down; he tried many things to help me with my pulsating, but none worked. Recently, I have been going to a chiropractic neurologist; he has helped me a lot with balance issues, and is working with me on calming the part of my brain that may be causing the tinnitus. So far, tinnitus is calmer, but certainly not gone.

No, I am no longer taking the homeopathic Ear Ringing formula. I'm glad to hear the graphites helped you so much! I may try those again; only tried it once, and could not tell a difference. I hope the acupuncture treatments continue to work for you!

Dear Karen,

Taking chinese herbs may have caused my T. So I am glad you didn't take them. The herbs are good but they are not pure, added pesticides, mercury and God knows what else. You can't trust China. Soon after taking the herbs I got all kinds of crazy sypmtoms-hands and legs numb and tingling, dizziness, brain fog, electro-magnetic sensitive, then T. I have been going to PT for balance and that has improved greatly. I did take homeopathic mercury and my T was gone for one day, then came back. Then Newton stopped making the formula.
Hi, Cookie,
Thanks for sharing that with me about your experience with the chinese herbs. That is really scary, and I'm glad you're doing better now! I hope all those symptoms have gone away for you.

Yes, something just didn't feel right to me about the herbs the acupuncturist wanted me to take. And she refused to treat me unless I took them. That's why I didn't go back to her.

Do you recommend Newton Labs' graphites? The graphites I took a few months back were from Boiron; I bought them at Vitamin Shoppe. Maybe I'll try those again, but this time from Newton Labs. Thanks!
I got them from Newton. I took 10x a day and 200x once a week. It took the crackling away in one ear every time I took. After 6 months and 4 bottles bought I don't use it any more. But you know that with T what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. So many reason one can get T. Good luck. Let me know if it helps you.
Thanks, Cookie. So true that what works for one person may not work for another! I'll probably give it another try, and will update you on how it works. If it doesn't work for me, maybe someone else reading this (Hi, Ellen!) might be helped by it.
tinnitus is aggravated in me by sugar, caffeine, and above all indigestion. it is all due to tridosha samnipata - an extremely serious and chronic digestive disease also known as smokey phlegm or bad-kan smug-po. the three doshas, phlegm, bile and wind become all vitiated and useless. as a result the body does not get nourished and gets full of poisonous waste via chronic constipation due to failure of digestion separating vital nutritive essence and waste product from the food and drink. this causes me to crave sugar and caffeine for relief which causes tinnitus as well. i get angry, depressed and suicidal. life becomes misery, or pure hell. it is impossible to enjoy a relationship, career or pastimes because the whole body is chronically diseased. the one and only cure is complete purgation of the disease by fasting and eradicating sugar and caffeine, depending only upon water and fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices until the body is cleansed and the doshas able to recover. sadly social obligations and mental weakness make fasting impossible. after many years, the vital organs may never recover from the effects of the sickness. since one never gets cured, finally you think of suicide as the only solution. and the maddening ringing in the ears is the last straw that pushes you over.

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