Bell’s Palsy Followed by Pulsatile Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Pjschfox#55, Jul 8, 2022.

    1. Pjschfox#55

      Pjschfox#55 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 1, 2022
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Could be Bells Palsy or unknown
      On March 1, 2022 I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. I had standard treatment; steroids and antiviral. I had to stop steroids at 5 day and antiviral after two days due to complications. I fully recovered from Bell's Palsy. I had included 4 sessions of acupuncture, massage and chiropractic during the Bell's Palsy.

      On April 1, 2022 pulsatile tinnitus started and it has not left.

      I’ve been told many things. It could be a result of the Bell's Palsy or something else. I found Dr. Athos Patsalides on the web. He has focused on this issue for 11 years and has helped many. All depends on the root cause of pulsatile tinnitus. He has videos posted which explain everything.

      That said, I had video educational consult with him and I need another test so I'm planning to get that.

      My primary doctor is useless but a neurologist has taken interest in helping me.

      In the meantime I am celery juicing daily which gives me more energy to deal with this and plan to revisit acupuncture to strengthen the immune system while researching foods to stay away from that feed the Epstein-Barr virus, foods to eat, vitamins and minerals to take to kill any remaining virus that may have affected this.

      I’m looking for additional support/ideas to assist me in this quest as living with it a nightmare.

      Thank you for any assistance.

    2. Russell Grimes

      Russell Grimes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      How much was the educational consult?
    3. AUTHOR

      Pjschfox#55 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 1, 2022
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Could be Bells Palsy or unknown
      The consult was $250. I had to upload test c/d and reports.
      • Useful Useful x 1
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