Can tinnitus cause hearing loss?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Maithe Marshall, Mar 17, 2014.

    1. Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      I had a hearing test done about 5 weeks ago and no hearing loss. But I've been seeing people post about hearing loss at different frequency..

      Does that mean tinnitus can cause some form of hearing loss? Or am I just freaking myself out? Now I'm stressed about losing hearing..
    2. Kerry H

      Kerry H Member Benefactor

      Chicago, IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      As far as I know, tinnitus does not cause hearing loss. Tinnitus usually develops because of hearing loss, not the other way around. Don't freak out, if your hearing was okay 5 weeks ago you should be fine. I know there are quite a few people who develop T without any hearing loss at all.
      • Agree Agree x 4
    3. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Yeah I had a good hearing test, I was just wondering..
      I don't even know how I got t..
      I had a ear infection 2 weeks ago a bad one in both ears..and now I have a bunch of fluid and ETD:/ so I don't know if that's what is causing it or is making it stay with me forever
    4. Kerry H

      Kerry H Member Benefactor

      Chicago, IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      I hear ya. I'm in the same boat. I have no idea what caused my T either. I've been kind of balancing between just accepting that it's there and not worrying too much about what the exact cause is, while still trying to find some answers from doctors when I can. But not a lot of doctors are able to give concrete answers and advice.

      Hang in there. Keep searching, but don't dwell on it and let not knowing all the answers get the best of you.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. Champ

      Champ Member Benefactor

      Boston, MA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma from headphones
      Yeah, an ear infection can cause a little damage to the inner ear, and sometimes that's all that is needed to trigger tinnitus. Sometimes the brain tunes this minor frequency loss out (so small you wouldn't even detect it if you tried) but it can be enough to trigger tinnitus in the brain.

      We still know not enough to say whether yours goes away or not. I know people who have had it go away after damaging their hearing badly. Others who don't damage their hearing get it permanently. It's really hard to say. Just believe in science!
    6. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Oh just my luck.. :(
    7. Champ

      Champ Member Benefactor

      Boston, MA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma from headphones
      Don't get too down buddy. All of us here can hear our tinnitus loud and clear too.

      It's a pesky noise that is very easy to listen to. But like any sensation, its just that, a sensation. Somedays I don't even think about it. Just keep being yourself and doing what you do, but protect your hearing!
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      It's so hard..I've literally cried everyday for about 4 weeks now..
      • Hug Hug x 2
    9. Lisa88

      Lisa88 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Maithe, if yours is that recent, it may still fade away. Many with ear infections get temporary t, then it spontaneously resolves once the infection completely clears. If your tests came back clear. You are in a very strong position. Distract your brain away from it, and hang in there.
    10. Valentin

      Valentin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hearing test are pretty useless as they test only 8 frequencies out of 20000; they can detect only the most severe cases and only in speech frequencies.

      that's why they also come with a speech recognition test.
    11. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      The infection is clear but I have a bunch of fluid..had a dr appt today was told that I have a bunch still and that my ears drum look likes it may burst ( kind of scary) but she said that it isn't serious and happens a lot. I'm at the same lame ENT today because I want his opinion on what to do..
      So kind of nervous..
    12. Lisa88

      Lisa88 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hopefully the fluid will clear with time. I know eardrums heal also.
      Have a funny feeling you will be OK.
    13. JohnG

      JohnG Guest

      I hope your ENT can help. I didn't get corticosteriods in time due to a faulty medical system where I live. Make sure you ask if corticosteriods are indicated (even if you seem to have no hearing loss).

      I think I got my loss and T from a ototoxicity of a sleeping pill. I've seen many people on other forums that got T and loss from ambien. I'll be way more careful before I take any meds from some "doctor". It's not their health they screw up when they get it completely wrong. Getting a second option is always a good idea.

      I believe your case is one with a positive outlook.
    14. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Yeah this is the same old ENT I went to who was no help but sadly he's the only one here in the town I'm in New Mexico..

      Every dr I've seen has seen fluid but the first time I went to him 4 weeks ago was told he didn't see jack. But I mean...I have the symptoms of fluid in my ear..
      I've half 7 drs tell me they see it..I'm in the waiting room freaking out:/ so ugh. I will not let this dude out tubes in my ear! Every dr here said that they wouldn't refer their patients to him ( kind of tells you something) so I just want him to look and get his opinion and also get my medical records here for virginia ENT since I'm headed there Saturday.
    15. JohnG

      JohnG Guest

      Try to find a doctor near a university medical school. I find that so many mediocre doctors are the ones most of us get. The best ones are in research near major universities. Hopefully the Virginia ENT will be more competent. I always try to use ratemd web site to see what others think of the doctor. Now that you have this website to help, you can quickly see if some ENT knows anything about T or is just pretending to be some kind of "expert". Good luck!
    16. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      My dad wants to take me to Johns Hopkins I know there are ents there along with good drs. It said to be the ear hospital in the world ( not sure never been there) but I may go there:/
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