Can You Help Me with My Pulsatile Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by PEDRO1302, Nov 19, 2015.

    1. PEDRO1302

      PEDRO1302 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi All,

      I developed PT (pulsaltile Tinitus ) on November 10th 2014.

      The symtoms are.

      1. I have a rhythmical noise in my right ear which sounds like shoo then shi, like shoo then shi, like shoo then shi, like shoo then shi all day.

      2. This noise is worse at night especially in the morning after interrupted sleep.

      3. When I place my right ear on the pillow I can hear and feel my pulse.

      4. When I turn over my left ear I do not feel my pulse but hear the shu then shi noise which seems to locate in the back of my head.

      5. To get to sleep I position the pillow so that my right ear is not resting on the pillow.

      6. At night when I wake up for the toilet and then lie down is when I experience the shu then shi noise the worst. I am continually tossing and turning.

      7. I have not had a proper sleep in a year. When I have a drink of alcohol the noise is amplified so much that I cannot get to sleep. It makes me not wanting to go out at night because I know what the after effects are. I do not drink anything in the house now.

      8. The noise seems less in the afternoon

      9. Just sitting watching the tv I sometime feel my pulse in my right ear and the only way to get rid of it is to hold my nose a breathe thru my nose so as to pop my ears.

      10. This PT is terrible.

      11. I have been going to the GP and ENT consultant for the past 9 months.

      12. I have had antibiotics in case it was an inner ear infection. Did not work.

      13. I have had an MRI scan which showed up nothing.

      14. The ENT consultant has referred me for a CT scan to check for some glomulus jugulare problems.

      15. The gp after continuous persuasion by me has referred for some vascular investigation to check for some blockages in my blood vessels next to my right ear. There was no abnormality.

      16. This is the stage I am at with PT. This disease is so debilitating. I dread going to my bed at night. Tossing and turning all night. Moving my head from side to side, popping my ears, shutting my jaw.

      17. Do you have any advice on a cure or any help or will I need to live with this PT for the rest of my life.

      Thanks PED
    2. Joan A.
      No Mood

      Joan A. Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      2000/ spike 2006/ massive 2009
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Do you have an image of cerebellopontine angle?

      Which targets were showed on MRI? (Head, neck, TMJ)

      Was it an MRI or ANGIO-MRI? (at least 3.5 tesla + gadolinium)

      If you, with your same hands, press on the jugular artery, what will happen?

      Is the rythm sincrnous with the heart?

      If you lay and sudden stand up, are there some changing in tone, loud and frequency?

      How type of tinnitus you are suffering? Hissing? Static? Noise-like?
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @PEDRO1302 ,

      Your condition sounds so much like mine! I have pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear, too, and I know what you're experiencing. It is not easy to get used to this constant rhythmic pulsating, and I wish there were a simple answer.

      Do you know what might have started yours? Mine started after taking a blood pressure drug, and I've had it for five years now. I've had a CT scan, Doppler of carotid arteries, MRI and MRA with contrast. Nothing was found.

      I was just wondering if you have regular tinnitus in your right ear, too. I have a high pitched hissing sound in my right ear, in addition to the pulsating.

      The good news is, after five years, I've gotten somewhat used to it, and can finally sleep again. The main thing (easier said than done) is not to react to the sound emotionally, which is still hard for me sometimes, but most of the time I can do that now. If your doctors don't find anything wrong physically, I'm living proof that you can live with it and do normal things again.

      My suggestions are:
      1. Try taking magnesium for calming and to help with sleep. I take magnesium chloride tablets, and they help.
      2. Try taking NAC (a natural supplement). It helps protect your ears.
      3. Sleep with more than one pillow; in other words, prop your head up at night.
      4. Try to stay busy and distracted, and it will begin to bother you less.

      I wish you well, and hope your doctor will go along with sending you for more testing, so that perhaps you can find a cause.

      Best wishes,
      • Like Like x 1
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      I have had pulsating T for about 6 months to go along with the hissing ringing T I've had for 4 years. I too here/feel my pulse/heartbeat, I can actually here and feel my heart skip a beat. I saw my cardiologist told him everything. He told me the heart does that to some people and if I am anxious it will just make it worse, including to so called skipped beat, he said it is not actually skipping a beat, it is just that I can't feel or hear it. I have had a few heart attacks and open heart surgery, I trust this Dr with my life and am going to listen to him.

      He told me to forget about it as much as I can, he said I can't cure your T but stop worrying about hearing your heart beat. You need to re-read what Karen has to say she summed it up perfectly.
      • Like Like x 2
    5. AUTHOR

      PEDRO1302 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
    6. AUTHOR

      PEDRO1302 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks very much for your reply.
      When I suddenly stand up the hissing noise in my right hear is amplified greatly then it gradually gets less within a few minutes. With regard to sleeping the ENT consultant says try sleeping with more pillows so that your head is elevated. I have tried this but it only makes the pulse in my ear much worse. When I remove the pillows and remove the elevation the pulse in my right ear is much less. If I go for a nap in the afternoon the pulse seems to be much less and sleep is so much easier. At night when the pulse is bad I hold my nose and push air through my ears which tends to lessen the feeling of the pulse. I have had MRI, CAT and vascular tests on u neck and ear. All I know is that the doctors said everything was ok. I am considering looking for a specialist who knows something about PT. I know a few GPs who don't know anything about this awful condition, even the ENT consultant says he very rarely ever is presented with a patient who has this condition. In my opinion it would require major surgery to look at the blood vessels which supply the ear and determine what physically is causing this pulse to be felt in the right ear. This type of tinnitus is fixable because something physically is causing this pulse. I would like to obtain the data from the CAT and MRI scans to someone who is specialised in this field. By the way the ENT consultant said that I could have this PT condition for the rest of my life. Again a big thank you for replying to my post it is very much appreciated. Any further news on y condition I will keep you updated.
    7. Joan A.
      No Mood

      Joan A. Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      2000/ spike 2006/ massive 2009
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      look at this;

      Checklists of imaging findings in various anatomical compartments*
      • Epicranium
        • Dilatation of branches of the external carotid artery (in dural arteriovenous fistulas)
      • Neck
        • Vascular stenosis (arteriosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia)
        • Vascular dissection
        • Aneurysm
        • Carotid or vagal paraganglioma
        • Jugular vein abnormality
      • Temporal bone
        • Aberrant or dehiscent internal carotid artery
        • Persistent stapedial artery
        • Anatomical variants/abnormalities of the jugular bulb
        • Tympanic/jugular paraganglioma
        • Other strongly vascularized tumor of the temporal bone
        • Otosclerosis
        • Otitis
        • Semicircular canal dehiscence
        • Labyrinth fistula
        • Meningocele, meningoencephalocele
        • Cholesterol granuloma
      • Other skull
        • Strongly vascularized tumor, vessel-rich metastasis
        • Paget’s disease
        • Empty sella
        • Large emissary vein
        • Dilated transossial vascular canals (in dural arteriovenous fistulas)
      • Dura mater
        • Dural arteriovenous fistula
        • Sinuvenous thrombosis
        • Stenosis or diverticulum of dural sinus
      • Endocranium
        • Space-occupying lesion
        • Disturbance of CSF circulation
        • Craniocervical transition disorder
        • Vascular loops in the internal auditory meatus
        • Pial arteriovenous vascular malformation
        • Venous congestion (in dural arteriovenous fistulas)

      p.s. don't limit your investigations to a single mri tecnic. The eyes watch which the mind know!
      • Like Like x 1
      • Informative Informative x 1
    8. Ron Robles

      Ron Robles Member

      Tucson arizona
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 4 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      Hi , I also have pulsating tinnitus started sept 4 2015, I had open heart surgery on 5 / 5 / 2014, but don't know if it started from meds, hunting , sinusitis, or noise induce.

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