Could 10 years of bilateral purple noise tinitus be a warning sign for SCDS

Discussion in 'Dr. Stephen Nagler (MD)' started by madusmacus, Oct 3, 2014.

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    1. madusmacus

      madusmacus Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have had this tinnitus for 10 years and it has a very large somantic component (+/- 400% volume on neck movements etc)

      But to add insult to injury I have just been diagoned with SCDS in my left ear (with another sinewave tinnitus and pulsile too)

      Sorry if its obsurde to think like this but I am wondering if the two are linked somehow?
    2. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi @madusmacus -

      To the best of my knowledge tinnitus is not classically felt to be a component of SCDS. (I realize that it is listed in the Wikipedia article you cited, but most of the material I have read over the years on SCDS do not refer to tinnitus.)

      From a practical standpoint the issue really comes down to what other elements of SCDS you might have and how those elements affect your life. I would not be inclined to recommend surgery for SCDS based solely on tinnitus. So take tinnitus out of the equation for a moment. If your doctor still recommends surgical intervention, then you might go ahead with it and consider any possible improvement from a tinnitus standpoint to be an unexpected bonus rather than a reason to have the surgery in the first place. That's how I see it, anyway.

      Hope this helps.

      Dr. Stephen Nagler
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