Hi, could someone explain why some people have tinnitus that can be masked by relatively low sound and they generally don't hear it unless they're in a really quiet place, (oh what bliss) while others can use white noise generators at full volume or be in a very noisy environment and still hear it? (That's me.) Near where I live we have a place where there are indoor steam fairground rides in a big tin shed, so you can imagine how loud that is. We had friends staying so took them there and I could still hear my T! If you were in a loud place and someone whispered in your ear, you may not hear the words but you would hear a sound even though it was very quiet so my question is, why can tinnitus not be heard when in a normal environment or is it just that these lucky people have sort of habituated or is it that mine is megga loud? I don't consider it very loud as it rarely prevents me from hearing even quiet sounds but I really don't understand how people don't hear it when, 'walking down the street' which is a comment one person made. Is it just that my brain is focused on it and they manage to 'switch off ' from it? Hope someone has an answer!!