Earwax Removal (Syringing)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dave D, Apr 15, 2014.

    1. zicodobrasil

      zicodobrasil Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      a month
      You probably already had very low soft sounds and the flushing increased the decibles, that is all. Most ENTs swear that Tinnitus is caused by loud noise, an accident, some type of disease, congenital, getting old, etc.
    2. zicodobrasil

      zicodobrasil Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      a month
      There you go, your past life style caused your T to eventually come out. Consider that you can still hear and do not wear hearing aids. That life will go on no matter what the challenges are. Keep the faith and continue to learn for possible solutions to T symptoms. Good luck.
    3. Robstarr

      Robstarr Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subsequent to an ear irrigation procedure
      I’ve had tinnitus in my left ear since September subsequent to an ear irrigation by a duty nurse at my GP practice. I was meant to just have the right ear treated having complained about some mild buzzing. Had been treating my right ear with olive oil in the lead up to the procedure not upon anyone else’s instruction but just in my own hope that it would alleviate my symptoms.

      The nurse irrigated my right ear that which is now free of tinnitus but then decided that she would also do my left ear. I had not anticipated getting my left ear done given that it was not problematic for me and so had not been treating it with olive ear like my right ear

      Consequently there is no tinnitus in my right ear but there is tinnitus in my left ear that which started immediately after the irrigation. The tinnitus in my left ear is loud enough at times that it seems to be in stereo

      I have since expressed to my GP my concerns about the way the irrigation was carried out as believe that I was not adequately prepared and received next to no advice about the procedure. It was certainly unbeknown to me that a potential risk of irrigation is tinnitus or exacerbation of pre-existing tinnitus. I am quite upset as now feel that the procedure may not have even been necessary.

      At present I am suffering bouts of insomnia caused by the tinnitus. My tinnitus increases in volume in the afternoon and peaks in the evening.

      I’ve not seen an ENT consultant but have met with a Hearing Therapist at the Royal National Nose Ear and Throat Hospital. I guess this is at least a step in the right direction. My hearing was tested and although there was bit of dip at 4000htz the therapist agreed that the onset of the tinnitus was probably caused by the ear irrigation procedure causing a disturbance. On my test results they had commented about ‘many false positives’ I couldn’t distinguish at times whether they were playing sounds or was it just my tinnitus.

      I have also consented to taking part in one of their group therapies as led by the psychology department. One of the groups is a ‘Relaxation Goup’ and the other a ‘Mindfulness Group’. It is an eight week program and should be informed within a month as to which group I have been assigned
    4. zicodobrasil

      zicodobrasil Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      a month
      Thank you for sharing your story. I am not going to make comments or give advice because you do not ask for any. But your story relates to my T on the left ear. The nurse blasted in the liquid to remove the wax and I also came out with tinnitus on the following day. What can we do about incompetent nursing and doctoring? Only a handful of attorneys are willing to take on hospitals and the medical associations, besides the retainer for counsel is outrageously high, in other words you need to have a lot of money to sue. Just trying to prove that you did not have tinnitus until you were irrigated would be difficult.
    5. Rust

      Rust Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      (2008 initially) 2015 as I know it today
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Initially stress, but noise exposure made it worse
      Hello everybody,

      I'm new here.

      I have had tinnitus in both ears (worse in my right ear) for about 7 years, it has always been low enough to be manageable. However, I recently had some earwax build up in my left ear, so I had that ear irrigated by the practice nurse at my local GP surgery 3 days ago.

      Immediately following the irrigation using the modern electronic irrigation device (which itself did not hurt or feel too loud, but did feel strange), I felt a fullness behind my my ear drum and the ringing in my left ear had increased.

      The ringing has not subsided after 3 days, and is now louder that it was in my previous bad (right) ear. I can also feel liquid moving behind my ear drum when I tilt my head (which I have had since soon after the irrigation, too).

      It's safe to say I'm pretty anxious and upset by this – I wish I never had my ear syringed in the first place! However, I'm trying to be rational, and telling myself that it must improve. The problem is, that I have now done a lot of reading online about ear syringing/irrigation, and all conversations seem to point to lots of people acquiring tinnitus from irrigation and it not improving.

      My question is, do any of you guys know if it is possible for tinnitus to lower in volume and improve in time following ear syringing/irrigation?

      I'm finding it hard to understand how this can cause tinnitus to worsen. I was not in pain, It was not painfully loud, and my pervious tinnitus is down to loud noise exposure. I had the same left ear perforated from an infection several years ago and that caused no tinnitus at all – surly that would be much more pressure on the eardrum!!?

      Many thanks to you all, I highly appreciate your responses.

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