Gilbert's Syndrome → High Bilirubin → Worsening Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by 4Grace, Nov 2, 2023.

    1. 4Grace

      4Grace Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Insomnia,Noise Trauma,very brief period of Benzo and AD use

      I have Gilbert’s syndrome. It causes very high levels of bilirubin in my blood. I wonder if Gilbert’s Syndrome is worsening my tinnitus. This just came to me so I looked it up.

      High bilirubin causes hearing loss:

      “The auditory system is highly sensitive to bilirubin toxicity. Damage to the auditory nervous system includes auditory neuropathy or auditory dyssynchrony and auditory processing problems which may occur with or without deafness, hearing loss”

      Google has a lot more on this.

      A hundred trips to the doctor and on a hunch I may have diagnosed what may be contributing to my own problem. Anybody else out there have Gilbert’s syndrome and tinnitus? My tinnitus has been abnormally getting worse. Something more is going on with me.

      My bilirubin is way above normal. Could this be contributing to the problem? Is this old news?
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Tryn2BHopeful
      No Mood

      Tryn2BHopeful Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      United States
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Escitalopram/Stress/Ultra High Frequency Hearing Loss
      Did you just discover your bilirubin issue? I would expect such high levels would cause jaundice?
      • Creative Creative x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      4Grace Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Insomnia,Noise Trauma,very brief period of Benzo and AD use
      I found out about it one year ago when I began research related to my health scare.

      My doctor found my AFP elevated at 16 UGL plus elevated Bilirubin. We confirmed elevated Bilirubin was probably due to Gilbert’s Syndrome since all other liver measurements came back normal. They say AFP lower than 40 can be considered normal for adults but it was not something that he told me at the time, it’s what he should have told me or said nothing until he completed some more tests. On blood tests a normal result is indicated at less than 8. He told me something much worse.

      I always have some colour due to sun so I cannot see if I have yellowing of my skin. I do not see any yellow in the whites of my eyes.

      However, I have had 4 blood measurements for Bilirubin. Total Bilirubin - 28 umol/l. 50 umol/l. 30 umol/l. 44 umol/l. Normal is less then 20. No question I have elevated levels of Bilirubin. :(
      • Hug Hug x 1

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