Hello to you all

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by kenny, May 11, 2014.

    1. kenny

      kenny Member

      london uk
      Tinnitus Since:
      HI,My name is kenny,
      I have had tinnitus now for about 8 months, it all seemed to of started when i visited my gym for a workout, unfortunatly after a few hours when i finished i had a atrial fibrillation which resulted in me being hospitalised, whilst being treated i was given a drug called bisoprolol its a beta blocker, and also i had 2 injections of a blood thinner into my stomach,

      Thankfully i recovered ok and have things under control, i am on no medication at present for this condition, but it was after all that trauma that my tinnitus started, so i dont know if it was the drugs that were administered that caused my tinnitus or the traumatic experience of the atrial fibrillation,"it is quite scary"

      I did ask the registrar if these drugs could cause tinnitus and he told me if they did it would only be temporary, so i am putting it down to the trauma, at first like most, i was in a proper mess, in fact i suppose on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to this imposter in my head, my GP put me on prozac, this made things worse for me, so i stopped that medication, i seemed to get bad side affects with this drug, i have been to see a specialist ENT consultant at a leading ENT hospital in london, but was rather dissapointed at her response, it was, "well we dont know to much about tinnitus, and your hearing is fine, so that was that,

      I am coping ok now though, as you all know after time it does seem to get easier to cope with, i have,nt finnished yet though, i want to make an appointment with a neurologist, as i am told it is in my head, i am taking some supplements, zinc, magnesium, garlic, and saint johns wort as a mood enchanser, i think they seem to help, at the moment i am on amoxilin for a chest infection, my tinnitus seems to be a little worse,

      I am glad to be a part of your community, and hope to be able to support new sufferers, so i wish you all good health, and lets hope theres a cure out there one day
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    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Kenny, and welcome!!

      We're glad you've joined us here at Tinnitus Talk. It's a great forum, with lots of information, and many supportive people.

      It's hard to say what could have caused your tinnitus to begin, but it does seem to coincide with the trauma you experienced with the atrial fibrillation and the drugs you took for it. I'm glad you are making an appointment with a neurologist; perhaps he can shed some light on possible causes, or have other suggestions.

      My situation was similar to yours; I had mild tinnitus for many years that was not bothersome. Then, I took a blood pressure drug for the first time, back in 2010, and my tinnitus got much worse. I also developed pulsatile tinnitus at the same time (heartbeat sound in ear). The first blood pressure drug I was given was an ACE inhibitor, and then was switched to a beta blocker. I got myself off all the blood pressure drugs several months later, but the tinnitus remains. However, I think getting off the drugs did help.

      It's possible that your tinnitus will improve or subside over time. In the meantime, I think making that appointment with the neurologist is a good idea.

      Best wishes,
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    3. James
      No Mood

      James Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Pulsing 03/2013
      Welcome Kenny. Nice picture with the dogs. Kind of wish I had a dog again, I don't now.
      Sorry to hear you have Tinnitus. Interesting story behind it. Seems like all of us want to find the exact cause in our lives,
      and I'd say all of us definitely want a cure too. I'm on some anti-dep pills to help sleep. Welcome and good health to you.
    4. AUTHOR

      kenny Member

      london uk
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Karen,
      Thanks for your welcome, and reply,
      Yes it will be interesting to see what a neurologist will have to say, it was a bit of a shock i must say at the lack of knowledge that i have experienced so far by the medical profession regarding tinnitus, with so many people suffering from this debilitating condition, but i am sure there is hard work going on behind the scenes for some kind of cure, the only treatment that seems to be on offer is private, and very expensive
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      kenny Member

      london uk
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi james,
      Thanks for the compliment of the dogs, there border collies, toby and bailey, they keep me busy and fit, something important i think when you have this horrible condition, maybe you should think about getting another dog if thats possible, they are good therapy:)
    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug

      I think there is a lack of knowledge, or interest, in tinnitus from many of our physicians, and there are a lot of ototoxic drugs out there, too. For me, I believe the blood pressure drugs exacerbated my already-sensitive ears to cause the tinnitus to become worse. Beta blockers can cause, or worsen, tinnitus, from what I've read.

      Will be interested to hear what your doctor has to say about your tinnitus. You are taking all the right supplements, and maybe over time, they will help, too.
    7. ashley

      ashley Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Kenny! Glad to hear you're coping well and welcome! Keep us posted with the neuro-- hope your appt goes well. :)
    8. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress
      Hi Kenny,

      Welcome! Sorry you have tinnitus but I'm happy you found this forum. It has been my rock. I'm in my 7th month and starting to habituate. Let us know what happens if you do see a neurologist. It's in my ear sometimes--but sometimes it's in my head too.
    9. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Hi Kenny, welcome aboard. I had a traumatic experience. I was on a treadmill at the dr.s and was told I had to have a 4 way heart bypass. I already had A-fib and two previous heart attacks. Well, the 4x by pass went good and they were able to sever the nerve causing my A-fib. From the hospital I went directly to a rehab center before going home, so they could monitor my post op surgery and build up my strength. When I was there it was the worst nine day's in my entire life. I had all sorts of nightmares, got about 2 hours of sleep a day, by the third day I was going nuts but they would not release me, so I stuck it out. All the while they gave me massive doses of blood thinners, and antibiotics so I would not get the incision infected. I finally got home and the nightmares went away the first night, have not had any since. I actually was feeling great. Fast forward two months, I started physical therapy for my open heart recovery and was still feeling great, then about three weeks into it the tinnitus started.

      I don't know if it was the mental or psychical trauma or meds that caused the tinnitus, it very well may not have had anything to do with the whole ordeal. Seems like we, or me anyway are trying to back track and see what caused it, but it's been just over two years now and I am at the point where I am just flat out tired of trying to figure out what caused it.

      What matters now is how I deal with it. If it was the mental or psychical trauma, or meds then so be it, nothing I do can change what had to be done. I needed the by pass. I am just glad to still be here.

      I do hope you read other posts and just look around at all the other forums we have here. They sure helped me a lot when I first got T and I still come here to help out, and also for support too...
    10. AUTHOR

      kenny Member

      london uk
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks ashley, i hope alls well for you, will keep you posted
    11. AUTHOR

      kenny Member

      london uk
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi gary, well you,ve certainly been through the mill, so glad your ok now, i wish you all of the best health and luck for the future

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