Hi from Me — Been a While x

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Cher69, Aug 5, 2017.

    1. Cher69

      Cher69 Member Benefactor

      York, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello my T family - so much time has passed since my last post - life is good for me my tinnitus is still with me but I'm totally used to it - it's part of me and I don't worry anymore about it - at all !

      I want to tell everyone you can with time find a way to cope - my old pal will remember my darkest moments today I'm just happy and still buzzing

      Dylan still going strong getting a little grey now around the muzzle bless him - my beautiful eldest daughter is about to fly the nest and go to university not sure how I will cope but I want her to be all she can be so it's time for her to go rock life and be amazing !

      My youngest girl who is now 17 has had a challenging time and I needed to support her with some real personal challenges - sometime my strength to help her came from over coming my own battles with T - so I hope she soon will be the confident young lady I've encouraged her to be - she will I know be strong show the world she has a mission and watch this space !

      I hope all my T family are doing well and as always supporting those on this path we have all found ourselves - like you all do so amazingly xx

      Much love Cher xx
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