Hi! New to the Forum, Can't Sleep

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Mr. Fluffy, Jan 12, 2016.

    1. Mr. Fluffy

      Mr. Fluffy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello, everyone. It's after 5 a.m., and I've only had one hour of sleep. I've had mild T for 5-10 years, but I got used to it. A few months ago, it increased quite a bit, pretty scary. I saw an audiologist who couldn't help me. It subsided a bit, but this evening it's spiking -- loudest I've ever had it. White noise usually helps, but not tonight.

      I'm glad I found this forum; it's a little comforting to know others have gone through the same thing, I don't feel so alone. If my T stays this loud, I'm going to look at Xanax or some such sleeping aid. I may also try TM, but it seems meditating would be pretty hard with intense T. Thanks for listening.
      • Hug Hug x 1
      • Genius Genius x 1
    2. Harold

      Harold Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      If Realy Needed with an evening of spiking Tinnitus you may ask your MD if you can try AMBIEN low dose that my do the trick for you,..........these days there should be no reason to suffer with T ans sleep issues,,, You may also consider getting a small radio with ear buds and listen to soft Music on low volume that can relax and help to sleep !
    3. AUTHOR
      Mr. Fluffy

      Mr. Fluffy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks Harold, I'll do that. I was able to get a few more hours, helped by Tylenol and Melatonin.
    4. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey there, @Mr. Fluffy: Man, I feel for you. I had sleep problems long before tinnitus, due to neurological issues caused by a stroke. T made it worse, though. Scroll around the forums with the board's search tool and you will find lots and LOTS of posts on here about sleep. You definitely aren't alone.

      Trying to run your life when you are bagging one or two hours of zzzs nightly is hell, I know. Did you have sleep problems before, given that you have had tinnitus for awhile. Is it the anxiety generated by the increased volume that is causing the problem?

      The following is just my opinion, based on my experience. Your experience might be different. And my opinion should not overrule medical advice. Anyway....

      Problem with prescription sleep aids is that they can be a slippery slope. I finally gave in a couple years ago, because I could not function at work with so little sleep. I started off with a pill maybe one, two days a week. Now I pretty much need a med every night to nod off. Your brain grows dependent on these drugs very quickly.

      I personally use Lunesta in its lowest dose possible (2 mg), as it is the one sleep aid approved for "long term" use. But docs recommend you not use even this medication every day -- although I do. Tried Ambien briefly and found it seriously scary stuff - -at least for me. Made me very out of it and confused.

      Xanax is a benzodiazapene, a family of medications for anxiety. It is not designed to be a sleep med. Unfortunately, though, anxiety caused by tinnitus can make it very hard to sleep. I had terrible panic attacks (even in my sleep) when I first had tinnitus, so my doctor (a psychiatrist in this case) gave me a low dose of Xanax (generic alprazolam). But after about a year, he said: no more. Benzos carry even more risk for dependence and addiction than sleep meds. So I no longer take them, except in extreme emergencies at night when my anxiety really kicks in (maybe once, twice a month).

      I would explore all the non-med options you can. Melatonin helps some and it is a supplement. But be aware it carries more risk than your average supplement, as it seriously interacts with your brain chemistry. Some people have suggested melatonin should be regulated. For it to work properly, try to take it about two hours before you go to bed. And start with a small dose, maybe 1 mg. Be aware that 5-10 mg of melatonin is a large dose. And in my case, melatonin gives me whopping headaches and crazy dreams.

      Other people have had success with tart cherry juice, valarian root, chamomille.
      And then there is sleep hygiene: Same bed time and wake time at night, no TV/computer in the bedroom, sleeping in a dark/cool room, no heavy food at night and eating way before bedtime, etc. Google around and you find lots of stuff on sleep hygiene.

      Sorry for the long email, hope its helpful. And that you get some rest! People who think not being able to sleep isn't a big issue clearly don't have a sleep problem.
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    5. AUTHOR
      Mr. Fluffy

      Mr. Fluffy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wow, thanks for all the advice, LadyDi. Love your avatar. I've taken Melatonin regularly in the past, so I'm not too worried about that. The stronger stuff concerns me a little. My sleep hygiene could definitely use some work (along w/ diet and exercise).

      One encourage sign is that I haven't felt the need for masking today, even though the tinnitus hasn't diminished. My brain might have started habituating to the new level. Hope so. Thanks again for your info and encouragement.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    6. daniel1111

      daniel1111 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced, repeated exposure with loud headphones.
      How are you playing your white noise?

      I found that sounds further away from me can allow the tinnitus to creep up above. The closer to my ear the white noise was, even if the volume was lowered it seemed to work better.

      I invested in some sleepphones which are extremely comfortable and can double as a sleeping mask:

      I was also looking at a speaker pillow but I have tinnitus in both ears.
    7. AUTHOR
      Mr. Fluffy

      Mr. Fluffy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Daniel. I downloaded the white noise app on my iPhone and iPad, so I have it in stereo, just a few feet from each ear. Usually running water or just noise (like radio static). A speaker pillow sounds like a good idea, b/c I like to sleep on my side. Off topic: how does tinnitus increase and decrease in both ears? I don't get that. I'll check other threads, I guess.
    8. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      For what its worth: I use this sleep pillow and LOVE it. If you want, save your money and don't buy the sound generator that costs extra. My iPhone app works just fine with my pillow.

      I also have T in both ears.

      I tried speakers that you slip inside your pillow case, too, but didn't like them as much.
      I may check out @daniel1111's sleepphones as well, as my sleep pillow is too big to take when travel.

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