How Do You Know If Tinnitus Is from TMJ?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Bunny_Lover1230, Sep 25, 2019.

    1. kev154669

      kev154669 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ due to Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

      I came across this thread because after 3 years of having 24/7 tinnitus in my left ear, I figured out that there is actually a high chance that it is my TMJ causing it. The last 3 years I believed it was 100% down to loud headphones, which I am still not ruling out, but when I clench my teeth in a quiet room, I can hear the tinnitus tone become slightly louder. I believe this is the cause because I recently confirmed that I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt and a lot of people that have this also have TMJ. I did have an MRI scan 3 years ago for my tinnitus and the result was negative and no hearing loss. In addition to APT, TMJ and tinnitus, I also have very bad dermatitis around my nose and eyebrows, and I also have alopecia barbae (bald spots on my face). Every time I use ointment prescribed by my doctor for these two, the problem comes back again, so there is clearly an underlying problem. Could it be my nervous system? I had a blood test and all my hormones and auto-immunity are good.

      I must stress that ALL of the problems mentioned above began within the space of 6 months!

      This is why I believe they are all linked and it all started in 2018 around 1 year after I started working from home and was hardly getting off my seat. I probably sat for at least 12 hours a day.

      I only recently seriously started to do exercises for my Anterior Pelvic Tilt. I haven't confirmed that I have TMJ, but it is always very tight and tough to open my mouth up and down and sometimes crackles when it is tighter than usual. I don't grind my teeth overnight and massaging my jaw does give me temporary relief for 1 or 2 minutes. I also sometimes have slight pain in the right side of my neck after waking up especially.

      Is there anyone that I can see who can help with all of my problems listed or do I have to see individual people for each problem? Is it pointless to see a dentist about my TMJ, if the root cause of everything is my anterior pelvic tilt? Should I fix my anterior pelvic tilt first and then see the dentist about my TMJ? I'm not sure what order to do things. I feel like I ha

      Thanks for your help,

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