Hyperacusis 2.5 Years Later: Any Hope of Improvement? Any Preferable Treatments?

Discussion in 'Support' started by creasy212, Sep 16, 2020.

    1. creasy212

      creasy212 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise induced
      I have quite bad tinnitus and hyperacusis - the last few years have been very much up and down and while I feel I have habituated to the tinnitus somewhat, the hyperacusis still creates mental drain, a short fuse and day to day stress. I'm only 28 and worried about living the rest of my life with this, assuming it will most likely get worse rather then better. I guess I'm asking for any help in regards to coping with it -

      1. Does anyone have experience in hyperacusis decreasing / increasing over many year?
      2. Any preferable treatment - I have a white noise in ear generator but it still doesn't take my mind of it.
      3. Any advice of tinnitus / hyperacusis - I've began focusing my efforts into reading self help / positive mind set books...

      As a side point, I've been fortunate in recent years to generate a healthy income from owning my own business as well as investing in certain products. I've been researching and looking into gaps within the tinnitus market and feel there is limited products / supplements which are readily available (I guess because nothing universally works). I was wondering whether there was any products people would actually like to see readily available which may potentially be beneficial / of interest?

      Many thanks!
    2. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Several causes
      Hi there! All very good questions. As for how hyperacusis may evolve, I am a long long time sufferer and it does change. This does not mean it gets better. It means it gets different over time and my guess is it changes for every person in a particular way. For some hyperacusis increases, for others decreases, for others tinnitus gets worse and hyperacusis fades, or they get hearing loss..

      For me, hyperacusis changed into some sort of recruitment (hearing loss plus hyperacusis or sound sensitivity) and tinnitus appeared after a few years, some days the beep is better and others worse...

      About supplements: some stuff may work temporarily but nothing cures hyperacusis or tinnitus, as it can be (if it noise induced) a cochlear problem (inner ear problem) and this cannot be fixed. Watch your diet, as eating healthy can make a difference and try to make exercise and stay positive! This is they only way to go!
    3. Croaker

      Croaker Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      01/2019 T, 04/2020 H
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Headphones/Car Alarm/Immune Response?
      In all your years of suffering have you ever taken a few months and avoided every sound that bothers you? If you constantly irritate the nerve then it’s unsurprising that your condition hasn’t changed. I developed this 4 1/2 months ago and I’ve improved because like many young people I lost my job and have spent most of my time at home.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. Alessandro Rossi

      Alessandro Rossi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I've been suffering from hyperacusis & tinnitus for 10 years, and I'm 37 (ex-musician). It got a lot worse in the last years, due to some acoustic traumas (that normal people wouldn't consider "traumas").

      As @Croaker said, the more you avoid the sounds that hurts you, the better you'll get. But don't close yourself home, just be uber careful, and always protect yourself as soon as you feel pain. Easy to say, really hard to do :)

      I find staying in nature (mountains & rivers) really helps me relax :)

      Sadly I can't do that all the time, and *ucking unexpected city noises (mostly motorcycles) causes me setbacks and pisses me off A LOT. But don't blame yourself. I do but I'm working on that!
      • Hug Hug x 1
    5. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Several causes
      Hi Alessandro, over that 10 year period with hyperacusis how did your audiogram change? Did you get hearing loss?
    6. Alessandro Rossi

      Alessandro Rossi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Last audiogram (2 months ago) reported quite a huge loss around 3000 Hz in the left ear. Plus I did a VEMP test (Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential) that says I have hyperacusis mostly on the left side (but I feel sensitivity on both sides...).

      Doing VEMP test with headphones was quite challenging...
    7. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Several causes
      Sometimes there are dips on the audiogram that may recover, some of them are just temporary changes of threshold due to noise exposure. How big is your loss at 3.000 Hz? How many dBs and how did it happen?
    8. AUTHOR

      creasy212 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise induced
      I've had relatively severe tinnitus & hyperacusis now for 3 years and I recently had a spike (5 days ago) caused by dental noise. It's pretty quiet in the morning (still notable) but after 2 hours or so it's pretty loud and intrusive again.

      Is this a good sign? Not sure what to think.
    9. Mary97

      Mary97 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Accoustic trauma but diagnosed with otosclerosis
      Hi @creasy212. I've had really bad hyperacusis and moderate tinnitus for 4 years. I have just recently upped my supplement intake with nootropics. I swear it has made quite a big improvement for me and my hyperacusis. It is quite controversial on this forum but I have also started listening to R David Case's Tinnitus Mix and I can't figure exactly why it helps, but I know it has benefited me... The amount of supplements I take is kind of ridiculous but I know they help me and I'm fortunate that for now I can afford them (because it does add up) so I will continue to take them indefinitely...

      As @Alessandro Rossi stated, I also despise motorcycles and get blasted out even in my house and my tinnitus doesn't seem to be so reactive to them.

      Have a look at the supplement threads and see what you think. Good luck in your endeavors to find something that helps tinnitus and hyperacusis sufferers...

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