I Got Tinnitus 2 Weeks Ago

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Norbert Takács, Jan 27, 2017.

    1. Norbert Takács

      Norbert Takács Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi! My name is Norbert, 21 years old from Hungary

      First of all sorry for my mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker :)

      On 14/01/2017 I was on a bus listening loud music through my headphones. After 5-10 minutes I started to feel dizzy when I moved my head. Later when I got home my right ear started to ring and I felt still dizzy. Next day I went to ENT where the doctor prescribed me Betahistin and Milgamma (vitamin B1,B6,B12) and told me to come back if nothing changes. After one pill I didn't feel dizzy, but the ringing stayed. A week passed, I went back and he prescribed me Betaserc and told me I have a huge chance my tinnitus will be permanent...

      They tested my hearing, it was fine, no damage. Since then I started to take my prescribed meds and high dose of vitamin C and B. I have to add to the story I have Bechterew disease for a 5 years now. It's an autoimmun disorder damaging my bones, back, neck etc. But I live without symptoms for a while :)

      Oh and one thing! After a week I got tinnitus, I got a really bad cold. This happens with me a lot latterly. And when I move my jaw I have a different sounds of tinnitus.

      My questions are the following:
      • Do you think it will be permanent or I have a bit chance it will go away after few weeks?
      • Does tinnitus can be connected any of these things which I wrote down above?

      Have a nice weekend and I wish you silent days :)
    2. maltese

      maltese Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It's likely it will go away! :) Unfortunately, it's also likely it will stay with you. But don't worry too much about it now, you will get used to the sound and it won't be a problem anymore.

      Tinnitus can be caused by loud noise exposure (like using headphones), stress, infections, accidents, everything really. Your doctor will be the best person to ask this question.

      Do not use headphones. Many people worsened their tinnitus by using headphones.

      Protect your ears from loud noises - clubs and concerts are "very high risk" places and should be avoided OR appropriate hearing should be worn.
      • Like Like x 2
    3. Raphael7713

      Raphael7713 Member

      Stockholm, Sweden.
      Tinnitus Since:
      January 14, 2017.
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      Lol we got it the same day! I also got mine january 14th and it's still there. Lets hope we both get better soon :)
    4. Simey squeek

      Simey squeek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Way back in the day
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ma pokin in my ear hole (extreme cotton bud penetration seve

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