I had h in one ear last Sept lasting for 3 months.... It can go away! Listen to rain sounds every day for about 20 mins a day, it's apparently rich for the brain. Mine went as fast as it came on. The ear with h in felt open, like no ear drum in there shielding me from sound. So I do believe it can go. Don't be too regimented in protecting from sound unless it's sound that you have to raise your voice to be heard. Wish my t would go the same way as that came on too! :-(
That's great for you! My hypercusis went away too after about 4/5 months. I listened to rain sounds alot also, and went outside alot and listened to natural sounds. I gradually was able to go to noisier restaurants, loud family gatherings, etc. It feels good, doesn't it?
When I first got H after a spike in T I thought it would never get better, and while I have had setbacks I am slowly starting to be around louder thing. It definitely can get better it just takes time. I currently am still in that slow time process but I don't do all that I should with sound enrichment. I will start soon!
Outdoor natural sounds are the best for H in my opinion. We have a family of cardinals in my backyard for years. I liked to play with my dog outside and just listen to the birds chirping. Hey it worked.
I am currently going through a set back that was from earlier this morning, one of my coworkers was trying to bring another chair into our conference room (which is basically a glass box), and she kept hitting the metal parts of the chair against the glass door while she was struggling to bring it in. It was so loud and just echoed. My ears are in pain, and are throbbing/cramping. When I get home I will try to listen to some rain sounds! Any in particular you have links to @patty or @Penelope33
I got given a sound oasis machine from the tinnitus and h clinic at my hospital and was told to listen to the rain. Sorry I don't have any apps that I used that I can recommend but I'm sure most rain sounds would help! Hope it goes
Demi, I'm in the same boat as you. I've been reading your posts and I also got H in november (don't really know how though, it just sneaked up on me). Do you still don't know what your LDL's are? If you can go to work at all it seems that you are having quite mild mild H, or am I wrong?
Hi Demi. I use Restful Rain by Purewhitenoise.com. Also Simplynoise.com has the rain app that's nice as you can add a little extra like thunder and adjust different frequencies so it sounds like a rainstorm. I hope you feel better soon.
It can go...I felt almost normal, but I am now in horrible setback..so it can also come back and just as bad as before..I wish it weren't so..for some H does just leave.