Just Found This Site! Yay!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by mjnsr, Jan 31, 2013.

    1. mjnsr

      mjnsr Member Benefactor

      grand prairie, tx
      Tinnitus Since:
      I just found this site! yay! I've had T for as long as I can remember. i'm 67yo, in relatively good health for my age. HAD MANY MANY X-RAYS, BODY SCANS, SURGERIES, in my lifetime, last group was in early to mid 90's for cancers. Lived in Houston then, with high background EMF's. T got a little worse there.
      Then, in '99 I moved to Bisbee, Az, right on Mexican border, but high up in mountains that protected Bisbee from EMF's generated from Big cities, in all directions. So, my T was almost a non-event in my life.
      In Dec'07, I moved to the Dallas metroplex, with of course hugely, off the chart EMF generation of infinite types - sources. Then a year ago, My Electric co installed smart meters on all homes in a 2-4 mile radius. Then 4 months ago, I got a Time Warner phone-cable and internet wireless at home , with the internet wireless speeds of 25-35mbps. EXTREMELY HIGH SPEED!
      While living in Houston, I got bladder cancer living next to high wire electrical cable array that went for miles and miles. It made such noise popping sometimes. I always wondered if that helped the cancer come about. Never drank, smoked, did any knowable thing except drink way too many soft drinks in my lifetime, up to that point, '91.
      NOW MY T IS OFF THE CHART! CAN'T CONCENTRATE WELL, DEPRESSION COMING ON WITH NO OUTWARD REASON FOR IT! Since I was in EMF protected Bisbee, with no symptoms for 7 years and immediately on arrival in DFW area, IT RESUMES IN WORSE THAN EVER, EVER; I am thinking the EMF's have reignited something in my ears-head. Gonna find a doc that hopefully knows about T. and EMF's. though the latter they hate to acknowledge.
    2. AUTHOR

      mjnsr Member Benefactor

      grand prairie, tx
      Tinnitus Since:
      Also, on the emf thing, 25+ years ago I read about people who had emf aversions of all types, so badly, they had to move way far from any EMF sources, a hard thing to do nowadays. especially with cell towers everywhere and cellphone use. My smartphone may also be in this mix of culprits. ?????
    3. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Mjnsr,
      There was another person on this site who had his T increase (or start!) after a smartmeter was installed on his home. It could very well be that, plus a combination of all those EMF sources, that set off your tinnitus.

      Also --- are you now free of bladder cancer? Are you still drinking a lot of soft drinks? I know that my tinnitus got much worse, 2 1/2 years ago, after I (1) got off blood pressure medications; (2) stopped drinking soft drinks suddenly, without weaning slowly off them. Just wondered if you might have done the same thing.

      All of these things could be factors in making your tinnitus worse. Tinnitus is such a mystery sometimes, it's hard to tell what was the cause!
    4. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      My opinion, and mind you it's only an opinion, is that the best advice is to change your focus from the WHY or HOW such a chronic and debilitating condition was acquired, to finding how best to lead a normal and fulfilling life WITH the condition. There doesn't seem to be a realistic or credible "cure" on the near horizon; all we can do is share ideas on how best to cope with the situation at hand. Good luck!
      Paul D
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    5. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Paul --- I agree! Learning how to cope is the best approach, and it is possible that eventually many of us will habituate to our tinnitus. I've learned in these last 2 1/2 years that it is certainly possible to live with tinnitus. You just have to learn what works for you, and what keeps the T at bay.
    6. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Karen - I had just flipped over to the SoundCure ($5K iPod) thread when your reply came in, and Wow...it felt like I'd just stepped into the middle of a pharmaceutical convention! In a way, it's probably a good thing I have no insurance or funds to try every possible "cure," clinic, or alternative treatment provider out there. And what's with the congratulatory rounds for meeting requirements for disability?! Again, best that I don't qualify. Otherwise I wouldn't be as realistic (or fatalistic) that learning to live with, rather than overcome, the condition has to be the top priority. I feel that, for me anyway, a solution is a long way off.
    7. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Paul -- I see that your T started back in 2010, too. Those of us who've had tinnitus for awhile may have finally learned that it just doesn't pay to keep trying a lot of these cures that don't really work so well! I tried the Soundcure, and I'm afraid it didn't work for me. I'll admit that I am still taking a lot of supplements, but I'm trying to simplify now, and trying to find natural solutions --- or at least things that help me cope better. And I believe that it's working; my T has definitely come down a few notches!!
    8. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Karen - I thought I had it nailed down a few times through process of elimination on certain foodstuffs or combinations therein, or faulty nutrition, or lack of vitamins or minerals, etc., but in every instance the T comes back with a vengeance. So I just try to really appreciate the good days, celebrate the rare periods when I can string a few of them together, keep the suspect foodstuffs to a minimum (it's become obvious they're not always the catalyst), and try to focus on the positives of life during bad episodes. I mean, it's not like we're stuck in a Somalian refuge camp surrounded by 400,000 other helpless, hapless people! Gotta keep things in perspective.
    9. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      I think that's the right outlook; in the grand scheme of life, there are worse things! We have to keep positive, and never give up. Best wishes, and thanks for sharing your hopeful outlook!

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