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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by John Michael, Sep 28, 2013.

    1. John Michael

      John Michael Member

      Worcester. England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi my name is John from near Worcester, England. My story started las year when following a severe sinus infection which later required surgery I developed tinnitus in my left ear - same side as the infected maxillary sinus which had a polyp growing inside which was removed but the tinnitus persisted which I was warned was likely to be the case. The tinnitus really got to me initially but gradually learned to live with it to the extent it that it was a nuisance but nothing more though I do suffer relapses from time to time and start monitoring it as I have this fear in the back of my mind it will affect the other ear. I consulted an audiologist and they confirmed I had mild high frequency hearing loss - worse in my left ear where the tinnitus is a high pitched whistling hissing sound. I cope with it when it gets really loud by listening to relaxing sounds like waterfalls or rain on a tent. Having a shower is great as the hissing of the powered shower totally masks the tinnitus as does using a hair dryer or putting my ear next to an electric kettle. Now I've not read many threads on here as to how others deal with their tinnitus when it becomes intrusive but one thing that works for me but cannot be recommended for obvious reasons is resorting to alcohol. Half a bottle of wine drunk relatively quickly - say 2 glasses in 45 mins will kill the tinnitus dead and can give me upto a days relief which is a boon. So if I drink wine in the evening the tinnitus may be suppressed for upto 36 hours but more often 24 hours or less. Not recommended as a long term treatment unless you want to end up with cirrhosis as well!! I'm trying a hearing aid at the moment to see if that helps but have noticed any improvement yet after 2 months but understand as most tinnitus sufferers have hearing loss then an aid may help eventually after several months. I'm also using residual inhibition downloads which I also find do work to a degree and take the edge off the tinnitus when it spikes. Went to a dinner party last night and quaffed some wine and it's now 30 hours later and the tinnitus is now only just creeping back - I'll get some sleep tonight but it will be back full blast i tomorrow morning but at least I've had a tinnitus free day today. Hope my post may be of use to those who suffer from this awful affliction. Cheers for now
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    2. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you for the tip, John !
    3. AUTHOR
      John Michael

      John Michael Member

      Worcester. England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Sherri,
      What you mean about alcohol? Be careful and only use it when you have to as it doesn't work for everyone and can make your T spike. I only drink in the evening with a meal and try and stick to recommended limits however I do find it works for me. During the day I use residual inhibition downloads or listen you utube tinnitus relief recordings like hair driers , rain on a tent(good one that) or shower sounds. I 'm persevering with the hearing aid (fitted in left ear only) hoping that May take the edge off the tinnitus but have not really felt any improvement to date. Anyway I think we all want to lodge methods of coping with this affliction in the hope it may help others. All the best. J M
    4. AUTHOR
      John Michael

      John Michael Member

      Worcester. England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry replied to you on my own entry!! Will get the hang of this soon!!
    5. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks John, I'll be careful, I've never had any alcohol, will give it a try lol.
      I'm very careful with my diet as it seems very directly related to my spikes.
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