Ladies with tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Amelia, Sep 19, 2013.

    1. Amelia

      Amelia Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Not to exclude you fine gentlemen at all ;) and on second thoughts you could also comment! but obviously since T I haven't felt like doing anything social but tonight we are heading out and I can barely muster the energy or enthusiasm to dress up, put makeup on etc. I feel SO removed from who I was.
      Do you eventually get your groove back?
      A x
    2. aura

      aura Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Don't worry! With 24/7 music in your ears, how can you not feel the groove? :)
      • Like Like x 4
    3. yonkapin

      yonkapin Member Benefactor

      Melbourne, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2012
      I'm not a chick BUT you'll get back into that groove no worries. I know how you feel but even through all the drama I find that I always feel best when I'm out and about with my buddies (instantly forget about my T), have fun!
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      So you go out to bars and loud places with T? That's encouraging. I'm afraid of that ending in an even worse T. Everytime I'm unwillingly exposed to loud sounds I'm so tired and worn out. Can't even think how a club must feel like, and this is coming from a person who used to go out three times a week for years.
    5. aka

      aka Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Amelia- You're in the worst part of it right now, and so many of us can empathize. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, really. When I was in the initial stage - put makeup on? Hell, I didn't even want to take a shower. Just force yourself to put one foot in front of the other and try to relax when you can. I'm not completely back to who I was before, but so much better than in those initial months. And my best times have been when I'm engaged with other human beings and not focusing on it.
    6. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I hear ya, Amelia. I LOVE going out; dinner, concerts, theater, hanging with friends. Now that I have T, I sometimes have to force myself. Rooms with bare walls and floors, with lots of people talking (like restaurants, parties) can make my T crazy. Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it exhausting!

      But I refuse to let T take over my life. I go And like Yonkapin, I find it always makes me feel better to be out because it distracts me from the infernal noise. Always protect my ears, though. I have a decibel meter and ear plugs in my purse and when I need 'em, I use 'em. And if I'm tired, maybe I leave a little early rather than being the last person to go, like the old days. I'm not afraid to be ask to be reseated in a quieter section of a restaurant, and I buy tickets further back from the stage. But hey, I'm still out and about.

      Life still is good, and fun, even with tinnitus. I got my T about two-three months before you, so hang in there, Amelia. Your old self still is in there.
    7. AUTHOR

      Amelia Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Per - no clubbing or bars for me last night - it was dinner out, but first time since T doing something that we did regularly. It was hard knowing the I had this "thing" going on in the background which would rear its ugly hear soon enough but there were a few brief periods I forgot about it
    8. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Great to hear that you managed to forget T for a while. Everything that makes you forget T should be on your to-do list. I'm afraid socializing in a loud environment would exhaust me, but perhaps I should get plugged and experiment more, I guess I'm still in the "no sudden moves" phase still.
    9. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      I agree with Lady Di. It's hard right at first, but try going out a little at a time -- and bring ear plugs! Many restaurants these days have loud music pumping in the background, so it's good to have the ear plugs, just in case.

      At first, I had to force myself to go out. I still remember trying to put on makeup, get dressed up, etc. , when I really didn't feel like it. But, the good news is, going out is a distraction, and it will help you forget your tinnitus for awhile.

      It really does get easier, and it will help you to habituate to the tinnitus. Enjoy yourself, and you'll find that you can forget about the T for awhile!!
    10. Cher69

      Cher69 Member Benefactor

      York, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Amelia - I so know how that feels a few weeks ago I backed out of a 'surprise party' for a friend of a friend - I sent Hubby along without me - regretted it - this week I had a works 'do' black tie and posh dresses - face on - heals and a black little dress I found a little bit of the old me again - one thing I didn't like was the hang over in the morning. But gosh did I sleep well - first time in ages for me a full nights sleep !! Im glad you managed to go out and had a good time and even forgot about the T for a while - another step further down the road :)
    11. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey Cher and Karen, good to see you both! Cher, hope you're feeling better.
    12. Cher69

      Cher69 Member Benefactor

      York, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      @LadyDi Hi hun - Im hanging in there - still struggling with sleep and back to Doc tomo for another review I reckon he may up the meds this time - he gave me some more sleeping pills to try and kick start the sleep pattern but I think my anxiety is troubling me more TBH - I want to chat to him tomorrow about that. On a plus side my T is low at moment - but Im OK in myself on the whole - just a wobble lasting a bit longer than I hoped ! Hope your OK too xx
    13. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      @LadyDi and @Cher69,

      I'm doing pretty well these days, tinnitus-wise. My steady ringing/hissing and pulsating seem quieter lately. I think it is mostly due to the passage of time, but it could also be due to in part to my latest supplement, An Shen Bu Xin Wan. It is calming, and is supposed to calm tinnitus. The only problem is, I began taking it for insomnia --- and I'm afraid the insomnia is still with me, no matter what I do. My pattern these days is to sleep one or two nights, then not sleep for another 2 or 3. But I am grateful that my tinnitus is more bearable!

      Cher, I hope the doctor is able to help you with sleep and anxiety. I certainly know how that is. My anxiety lasted for quite awhile, and has finally pretty much dissipated. It can take awhile, and I hope that both of you are beginning to feel better and calmer. Take care!

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