Link Between Pulsatile Tinnitus and High Inflammation?

Discussion in 'Support' started by betsy_lou, Mar 26, 2021.

    1. betsy_lou

      betsy_lou Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      I’ve been lurking on this site for awhile now. I have pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear, it’s a high pitch sound that is synced with my heartbeat. I’ve had it for over a year.

      I’m 38, don’t drink, never did drugs and haven’t ever been to a concert. I do have high blood pressure, which is controlled with medication.

      When the noise first started my doctor thought it was related to high BP. Once that was under control, I was referred to an ENT. He did a Lyme test - negative. A hearing test - perfect hearing. And an MRI - normal.

      I then went to the dentist, who referred me to physical therapy for my TMJ. That did nothing.

      I went back to ENT and talked him into ordering a CT angiogram. That was normal too. He told me to live with it.

      I went back to my regular doctor who referred me to a different ENT, she said the same things as the first one.

      So then my doctor took a blood test to check for inflammation, and it was high (a level of 70 and I think up to 20 is normal) so he thought maybe that was contributing and he put me on Prednisone for a week. It didn’t do anything for the ringing.

      I went back to the doctor today and he took more blood to check and see if the inflammation levels have gone down or not. He doesn’t know if the pulsatile tinnitus and inflammation are related but he’s at least trying to figure it out. He did mention another referral to a different ENT and I told him no, they all just look at me like I’m nuts.

      My pulsatile tinnitus varies in loudness but it’s always there. It does get better when I lie down at night so at least I can sleep. It also goes away if I bend my head down to my chest and gets louder if I press on my left jaw or cheek. I do get headaches, sometimes a quick jab pain on my left temple and behind my ear that lasts only a few seconds. I do get dizzy, like I feel a bit unstable. I have anxiety, which I know doesn’t help. I used to use ear buds, not since the noise started though. The ENT said that couldn’t have caused it. She also didn’t know about hidden hearing loss.

      Does anyone have any ideas on pulsatile tinnitus and the link between high inflammation levels? Or what kind of doctor I should ask to be referred to? Or any other tests I should be asking for?
    2. Brendon

      Brendon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Signs point to a cervical issue
      For me, Advil helps. I got a neck injury to C1 and C2 from lifting heavy stuff. Muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories help. Been going to chiropractor for it. Maybe you could check with an upper cervical one - check alignment. Misalignment can cause tinnitus. Anti-inflammatories can reduce pressure of misaligned vertebrae (or corresponding tight muscles around them) on nerves.
    3. Catherinet

      Catherinet Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I feel your pain @betsy_lou.

      I went to a very reputable ear specialist ENT and he ordered a brain scan with and without contrast and said it was normal. He suggested a hearing aid with "masking" qualities. I'm using that now and have 3 more weeks to decide if it's working or not, in order to get most of my money back. Geez they are expensive!! I have the feeling that if I keep having more tests and seeing different doctors, it will have the same results as all your efforts did.

      I wonder if checking your neck (MRI? CT?) might help. I'm sure they've checked your carotids, right?

      I was hoping this masking sound would help, but it seems like my pulsatile tinnitus tries to over-power the "white noise" and actually increases in loudness.

      I've heard that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) sometimes helps, so you might look into that.

      Also, I am a bit overweight, plus after a virus long ago, I lost a lot of my taste and smell, and so I tend to use too much salt in my food... which can worsen tinnitus. Caffeine can worsen it too.

      I hope you can find some help. It's really crazy to have something so loud in our heads, and we can't get away from it. It's kinda like being claustrophobic.

      One thing my audiologist said is that tinnitus can affect our limbic systems in our brains... which can cause anxiety.

      Good luck. It's a difficult thing to have.
    4. Shirlnga

      Shirlnga Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Has anyone ever read of any confirmed connection between pulsatile tinnitus and the Vagus Nerve?

      I read an article that suggested this a couple years ago but cannot find it online anymore.

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