Looking for Help and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ashlee, Jan 29, 2015.

    1. ashlee

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I am 23 years old and developed tinnitus randomly out of the blue after returning to work after my lunch back in November 2014. I've never been one to listen to music loud, and didn't do anything to damage my hearing in the past. The ringing began and never stopped. Immediately I had anxiety so bad and visited my doctor the next morning, not sleeping and counting the hours down to my appointment. Long story short, I was told I would have to live with it. I later visited two ENTs who both offered no help saying the same.

      I did some research and found out that WI had a Tinnitus and Hyperaccoustics Clinic at Froedert Hospital, which I visited and met my amazing audiologist. She did a ton of testing, and my hearing came back perfect. She taught me about the cycle of tinnitus and anxiety and how I needed to get that under control. Even though she was very helpful, she doesn't sound hopeful that I will get rid of my tinnitus. Things that I have and are still trying are: massage therapy, reflexology, chiropractic care (recently stopped), exercise, vitamins B Complex, C, B6, D, Magnesium and Lemon Balm, as well as sound therapy (4 hours per day).

      The sound of my tinnitus went from a loud ring, to a high pitched tone, to beeping/whining, buzzing (like no noise going into a microphone), and changes very frequently. Recently it has been ringing in my left ear, as well as reaching very high pitch sounds in both ears. Throughout this as well I've become super sensitive to certain tones in the TV or music. I'm trying to keep listening to it to fight the sensitivity so my brain can hopefully detach.

      Has anyone had any similar symptoms that can offer any hope? Also, any suggestions for thing to try? I was told that I should know within the first six months of it will go away or stay with me forever. I'm hopeful that if mine keeps changing that it will go away for good. Looking for hope!!

      Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer!
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Mark Beehre

      Mark Beehre Member Benefactor

      Wellington, New Zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      05/2008 // 11/2014
      My tinnitus was quite messy at the start fluctuating day-to-day. Some of the more intense sounds were very strong and stayed with me a week or two before fading. I am now approaching my 4th month since onset and it has been fairly consistent in the last few weeks, spiking at different points but settling to baseline by the next day.

      It may take sometime for the ear to settle. You could possibly have permanent tinnitus or it could resolve on its own. However, assuming its permanency there are treatments which can help you to habituate the sound. This means that while the ringing is there you don't notice it unless you actively listen for it.
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    3. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      Were you taking any prescription medication? Some medications are ototoxic and can lead to hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
    4. AUTHOR

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I was taking Linzess occasionally( every other day), but I hadn't taken it for three days prior to when the ringing started. My hearing tests also came back normal.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Today my right ear has been having short bursts of really high tones (i.e. dog whistle high). They last only a few seconds or so, then go away. I feel that my tinnitus may be improving, as it changes frequency/pitch, etc. however at this point, I am not sure what "silence" is supposed to sound like. I am wondering if my auditory system is just in high alert, as I am noticing so many sounds/vibrations that I normally wouldn't. Is it possible to have rid my tinnitus, but now I am just focusing on normal sounds too much? Does anybody really know what it is supposed to sound like when you plug your ears?
      • Hug Hug x 1
    6. Mark Beehre

      Mark Beehre Member Benefactor

      Wellington, New Zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      05/2008 // 11/2014
      This might sound somewhat facetious but it isn't physically possible for humans to experience silence. :) Habituation means the ringing is still there and as loud as before, just you don't notice it unless you listen for it. Think of it like breathing. You don't notice you are doing this unless you actually focus on it.
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    7. uncle vikin

      uncle vikin Member

      nashville tennessee
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subjective tinnitus r ear cause ( unknown)
      Habituation is the only cure for permanent T .Ashlee hang in there take care of your stress habituation takes alittle time your brain will do all the work .If you have trouble after say a year then there are treatments to help you habitituate faster but they cost .The best bet is take care of your stress try to sleep and if taking sleep meds and anxiety meds the first few months (so be it) just take the min. amount till you can deal with your T better .I take melatonin and a host of vitamins now.I am habituating after 5 months and I can deal with my T now but like I said it can take a few months.This is a brain thing thats why the dr.s don't have a clue cause it is in the limbic part of our brain so you ain't alone and you can get over this and you will be alright.T is bothersome and that is an under statement but it won't hurt you you will get better I would say within 6 months .Yes T does vary in tone loudness from ear to ear ect. it has a mind of it's own .But hang in there mask it try to get sleep get support from family and friends.
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    8. AUTHOR

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you so much everyone for your kind words and suggestions! It is definitely still a struggle for me. I did reflexology on Thursday, and it was extremely relaxing and I didn't have the bad ringing yesterday and it isn't bad today (although I am trying to keep busy). I also have an MRI next week and a neurology appointment coming up to be sure that nothing bad is going on that could be a fix. I'm praying and hopeful that my T is gone for good. Thanks again for your support, it has been so comforting to hear from people who also experience this terrible thing we have to deal with!
      • Hug Hug x 2
    9. AUTHOR

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My tinnitus noise has changed into a white noise-like sound. It is amplified especially at night or after eating. Does anyone else have this type of T? If my tones have changed to white noise, could it be working its way out? Any suggestions for habituating faster? It drives me nuts when I'm just trying to relax and watch TV. Looking for help, suggestions, or peace of mind. Thanks!!
      • Hug Hug x 1
    10. AUTHOR

      ashlee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Update: I had my MRI today on my brain and ears, and I got good news that they didn't find anything, but it is also very frustrating because I'm back to square one. My left ear has been the worst, always ringing, whereas my right is usually white noise or nothing. When I try to concentrate hard, I feel my right doesn't ring at all and I try to figure out what silence is supposed to feel like by focussing on my right ear only.

      Because my T had started in both ears (November) and changed so much, do you think there is a possibility mine will go away for good?
      • Hug Hug x 1
    11. Lever151

      Lever151 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Viral ear infection
      This is what my audiologist said today. I had my hearing test; huge relief to find out I have the hearing of a teenager and no visual reason for the tinnitus. She said 8 in 10 people, if put in the soundproof room would hear a hum, pitch, or frequency of some sort. She along with my ENT and PCP are all optimistic mine will go away in time but for now I'm on sound therapy and masking apps as well as some low dose Xanax XR and meclyzine. I found today, after week 2 to be the best. I am keeping my dietary changes in hopes of it assisting in the end of this. I've also lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks for food changes and exercise as I heard it can help increase blood flow. I'm also starting ginkgo biloba tomorrow as I hear this increases blood flow. Unless anyone advises against the use of this with a bad experience.

      Good luck to you and God bless. Let us know how its progressing. Prayers for you all...
    12. uncle vikin

      uncle vikin Member

      nashville tennessee
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subjective tinnitus r ear cause ( unknown)
      Ashlee,hopefully your T will go away.But don't worry I am into 5 months with it you sound just like me at 3 months then it starts to get better.I have heard that most people habituate to T within 18 months so Ashlee please believe me it does get better your anxiety will go down your T will not bother you as much and I am not fully there yet but within the next 6 months I doubt I will even notice T.You have to be patient .You are doing alot of the right stuff .It is tough we all are going and some have gone through it but they say 85% ofpeople habituate and do we'll within 18 months.I would say stay strong and you will see you can tolerate it alot better in a couple months max.Have you tried melatonin .I take 3 mg sr every night for the past 8 weeks.same time every night 20min before bed.also I take an adrenal support extract .Just try to hang in there and you will see a big change for the better you are just a little stage behind me.Your brain is just trying to fix itself .alittle re-wiring give it time.You will be alright.
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