My Attempt at Piracetam + Phenibut + Cytoflavin. Strange Effects. Help!

Discussion in 'Support' started by IvanRus, Jun 9, 2018.

    1. IvanRus

      IvanRus Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey. I took another short course of prednisolone with a shock dose of 55 mg for 3 days in the morning.

      Also, after reading some stories here about the positive experience of taking piracetam, and also taking into account the fact that the last month at the walk, I'm sniffing and clattering in the back of my neck as if something were up against the blood vessels. I also decided to take piracetam in parallel with prednisolone at a dose of 800 mg 2 times a day.

      I also took a Russian metabolic drug called Cytoflavin (succinic acid + riboflavin + nicotinamide). Perhaps this was a mistake?

      So over-stimulating the cerebral vascular system is harmful to the ear? I took piracetam only 4 days, and cytoflavin a week.

      I also took Phenibut - it acts on GABA, but also affects little on the bloodstream, was this drug too much? It seemed to be working.

      Now I have stopped all vascular drugs, because they seem to have made tinnitus worse and I experienced a little hyperacusis, something that was not there before!

      What is it ?! Help. I took a course of prednisolone a week ago and now took 3 days to 55 g.

      Share your experience in taking piracetam and other vascular medications.

      Thank you.

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