New to Tinnitus — Please Help!


Jan 24, 2014
North Yorkshire, England
Tinnitus Since
I discovered this site after searching all over the internet about tinnitus. THANK GOD. I really feel like I need some support right now - I am terrified I have to live with this forever.

I have only had this for a week, but in the past week I have had ear pain, headaches and nausea. I have barely eaten and thrown up. My sleeping pattern is all over the place, though at least I am getting sleep. I look like I'm ill. I FEEL like I'm ill. I can't concentrate on anything else. I feel constantly near tears.

Admittedly I have had a cold, but I noticed the tinnitus after I finished listening to my iPod with my headphones. It was bad in the evening but I think it got better by the next day. It was during the middle of the next day that I noticed there was still a slight ringing. It has been there ever since, more or less constant, though only in the left ear. The noise is quite high pitched but low, so if I have something else on or am outside I don't particularly notice it. If I don't focus on it I can ignore it, but I'm certain you all know that it's easier said than done. It is worse when I am asleep, though I can sleep through it if I try. Recently my jaw clicked (I have been yawning a lot to try and clear this ear pressure in the hopes this is what it is) and I have had a bit of crackling, but this has gone.

I went to the doctor and she said I have ear pressure, probably due to congestion from the cold. I have had problems with doctors misdiagnosing me in the past, so I don't feel particularly confident with this. She gave me a nasal spray to try and unblock it, but it hasn't seemed to be doing much good (been using it for four days). Maybe it's gotten a little bit better, I don't know.

Basically all I want to know is WILL I HAVE THIS FOREVER?

I have had problems with my ears in the past. For starters I had meningitis when I was a baby, and my mum always thought that my hearing was not as good as others. I have also had a little ringing in my ears, like my ear had "gone" but it went away after a few seconds. Occasionally had ringing after loud music but always left. I don't know whether this tinnitus is due to hearing loss - my GP did not bother to give me a hearing test - but it doesn't feel like I have any hearing loss, at least not recently. I am also on birth control, which some have said can cause ear problems.

I honestly cannot tell what has caused this tinnitus. People believe it is the cold and say it will go away (someone I know said they had a virus which left her ears whooshing and ringing for months, but it did go away), and I still feel a little under the weather, but that could be due to worry. It could be the birth control. I would just like to know about other people's thoughts and whether they think it will last, and generally just some support. I am so tired and so sick of tinnitus running my life - it's all I can think about! Please help!
Also I would like to mention that I have always had problems when flying. No matter where I'm going, or for how long the flight has been, my ears always seem to hurt when landing - like, really bad, making me want to scream and/or tear my ear off. I know that has to do with ear pressure too, and though my ears can be painful/blocked when I land, they always seem to clear up in an evening, if that.
I'm not a doctor by any means, but I've done a bit of reading. There could be a possibility that you have eustachian tube dysfunction, that it often characteristed by blocked ears, and a clicking jaw.
Thank you for replying. I hope that is the case. My other ear has hurt a little bit, but not in the same way as the other. They don't feel blocked - my hearing may be a little sensitive, though I could just be paying more attention - but I do have pained and occasionally crackling. Does this mean the ringing will go away when it becomes unblocked? I can live with the rest, but the ringing is driving me insane!
I'm in a very similar boat to you really, my right ear crackles too whenever I yawn, and that's where the majority of my tinnitus comes from.

You mentioned your jaw in your first post, how often does it click? I was diagnosed with mild TMJ after having an expert look at my stiff jaw, which can lead to eustachian tube dysfunction, which can lead to tinnitus (which I, ironically, saw as a bit of a relief. Perhaps my T isn't the permanent, noise-induced kind after all!). It's definitely a possibility worth looking at.

From what I've read treatment results do vary, it goes away for some, and not for others.
I really hope it goes away. I think I could learn to live with it, because it's not that bad - like I said, I can only hear it when I am trying to sleep or if it is quiet - but I am a natural worrier and this has made me anxious.

My jaw clicks a bit, but I have never noticed it before. Is there anything that can be done for a Eustachian tube dysfunction? I have only been to the doctor once, and am going back on Monday if the tinnitus has not gone (I read that tinnitus is a symptom, and with my ear pain I know something is wrong). I am determined to ask for an appointment with an ENT
Hi, Citigirl -- Welcome to Tinnitus Talk!

I read your post above, and I'm sorry you're having all these problems. Here's some information I found in regard to Eustachian tube dysfunction:

This does sound like it could be your problem. I hope it goes away for you; if not, perhaps an ENT could be of help in prescribing nasal spray or drops that could help you.
Hi Karen. Thank you for the information - looking at the symptoms it does look like that could be the case. I do think it is something to do with pressure because sometimes just going up a hill makes me ears feel more blocked. My head has also felt a bit achey, so I do think it is a cold.

I am hopeful that the ringing will go away once this cold goes, though I am told it can take months after a cold before the ears get better. Hopefully that's all it takes :)
Hi - try to keep calm, there are lots of reasons and things that can cause T and they and it can go - once we get the idea we have T we become consumed by it - it happened to me - mine is still with me but Im coping and its not ruling my life - I love this forum and its been my rock but sometimes the web wonderful and amazing as it is can set us off into self diagnosis - I am so guilty of this.

I hope you get to see and ENT soon and you can talk through your worries - we are all here for you - Im from your part of the world so with you all the way xxx
Thank you so much Cher69! You have no idea how comforting that is to hear. I will go see a doctor just to make sure it is nothing serious, but I am feeling more confident that it is my cold that has done this.

You are right - once you know about tinnitus it is in your head. I have been better today - I am convincing myself that this will go away in time. I just want to make sure that it isn't due to other problems.

I do not feel confident bout doctors - recently I had the depo birth control injection which has given me some pretty nasty side effects which I won't go into and doctors have told me to just keep going with it. This is why I felt like I wanted to talk to other people.

Again, thank you so much. I find this very comforting and am feeling so much better :)
Glad today has been better hold onto it's just a noise it could go ! Today has been a milestone for me after 9 months of T I've rejoined a gym now I have energy ad I loved it - you will be fine hold onto all positives and they will get you through xx
Glad to hear you are doing well! :) I had a scare today because I was in a loud restaurant and I went to the bathroom and blocked my ears (I know, stupid) and thought the sound had gotten louder. I ran to the train station and burst into tears on the phone to my mother. But now coming home I don't think it has gotten worse thankfully. In fact it may have gotten better (touch wood). We shall see - I can't really tell.

Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me and help me get through this. You have no idea how grateful I am
Could I ask people a question? Last night I came home and went to bed, and I noticed a great reduction in the T. I actually felt like it might have gone away! Unfortunately waking up this morning I can tell it hasn't, though I do believe it is lower. Is this a good sign? Do people think this means my T might go away?

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