I discovered this site after searching all over the internet about tinnitus. THANK GOD. I really feel like I need some support right now - I am terrified I have to live with this forever.
I have only had this for a week, but in the past week I have had ear pain, headaches and nausea. I have barely eaten and thrown up. My sleeping pattern is all over the place, though at least I am getting sleep. I look like I'm ill. I FEEL like I'm ill. I can't concentrate on anything else. I feel constantly near tears.
Admittedly I have had a cold, but I noticed the tinnitus after I finished listening to my iPod with my headphones. It was bad in the evening but I think it got better by the next day. It was during the middle of the next day that I noticed there was still a slight ringing. It has been there ever since, more or less constant, though only in the left ear. The noise is quite high pitched but low, so if I have something else on or am outside I don't particularly notice it. If I don't focus on it I can ignore it, but I'm certain you all know that it's easier said than done. It is worse when I am asleep, though I can sleep through it if I try. Recently my jaw clicked (I have been yawning a lot to try and clear this ear pressure in the hopes this is what it is) and I have had a bit of crackling, but this has gone.
I went to the doctor and she said I have ear pressure, probably due to congestion from the cold. I have had problems with doctors misdiagnosing me in the past, so I don't feel particularly confident with this. She gave me a nasal spray to try and unblock it, but it hasn't seemed to be doing much good (been using it for four days). Maybe it's gotten a little bit better, I don't know.
Basically all I want to know is WILL I HAVE THIS FOREVER?
I have had problems with my ears in the past. For starters I had meningitis when I was a baby, and my mum always thought that my hearing was not as good as others. I have also had a little ringing in my ears, like my ear had "gone" but it went away after a few seconds. Occasionally had ringing after loud music but always left. I don't know whether this tinnitus is due to hearing loss - my GP did not bother to give me a hearing test - but it doesn't feel like I have any hearing loss, at least not recently. I am also on birth control, which some have said can cause ear problems.
I honestly cannot tell what has caused this tinnitus. People believe it is the cold and say it will go away (someone I know said they had a virus which left her ears whooshing and ringing for months, but it did go away), and I still feel a little under the weather, but that could be due to worry. It could be the birth control. I would just like to know about other people's thoughts and whether they think it will last, and generally just some support. I am so tired and so sick of tinnitus running my life - it's all I can think about! Please help!
I have only had this for a week, but in the past week I have had ear pain, headaches and nausea. I have barely eaten and thrown up. My sleeping pattern is all over the place, though at least I am getting sleep. I look like I'm ill. I FEEL like I'm ill. I can't concentrate on anything else. I feel constantly near tears.
Admittedly I have had a cold, but I noticed the tinnitus after I finished listening to my iPod with my headphones. It was bad in the evening but I think it got better by the next day. It was during the middle of the next day that I noticed there was still a slight ringing. It has been there ever since, more or less constant, though only in the left ear. The noise is quite high pitched but low, so if I have something else on or am outside I don't particularly notice it. If I don't focus on it I can ignore it, but I'm certain you all know that it's easier said than done. It is worse when I am asleep, though I can sleep through it if I try. Recently my jaw clicked (I have been yawning a lot to try and clear this ear pressure in the hopes this is what it is) and I have had a bit of crackling, but this has gone.
I went to the doctor and she said I have ear pressure, probably due to congestion from the cold. I have had problems with doctors misdiagnosing me in the past, so I don't feel particularly confident with this. She gave me a nasal spray to try and unblock it, but it hasn't seemed to be doing much good (been using it for four days). Maybe it's gotten a little bit better, I don't know.
Basically all I want to know is WILL I HAVE THIS FOREVER?
I have had problems with my ears in the past. For starters I had meningitis when I was a baby, and my mum always thought that my hearing was not as good as others. I have also had a little ringing in my ears, like my ear had "gone" but it went away after a few seconds. Occasionally had ringing after loud music but always left. I don't know whether this tinnitus is due to hearing loss - my GP did not bother to give me a hearing test - but it doesn't feel like I have any hearing loss, at least not recently. I am also on birth control, which some have said can cause ear problems.
I honestly cannot tell what has caused this tinnitus. People believe it is the cold and say it will go away (someone I know said they had a virus which left her ears whooshing and ringing for months, but it did go away), and I still feel a little under the weather, but that could be due to worry. It could be the birth control. I would just like to know about other people's thoughts and whether they think it will last, and generally just some support. I am so tired and so sick of tinnitus running my life - it's all I can think about! Please help!