Newbie in Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Eric Fridley, Jul 9, 2014.

    1. Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi I'm new to this I'm 23 my tinnitus started 23 days ago was just watching tv no loud volume and left ear started to ring didint think much of it went to bed and it was still there I don't why I have it I have been to no concerts or shooting guns anything that's noise related I never been by I have been staying at home for 3 years sometimes work with my dad but always been in a peaceful environment I have a referral to see a ent and I have tmj and has been getting worser over the days since I had tinnitus it cracks realy loud now so I'm gonna go to a jaw doctor or whatever u call them right now I'm thinking my tinnitus is from tmj I have a healthy life with healthy ears my jaw been killing me over the past couple weeks so I'm hoping when I fix my jaw the ringing will go away I see a lot of people have tinnitus for 3 month or more I'm in the early stages has not been a full month yet my tinnitus is low most the time so I still enjoy my life playing games just hoping I don't have to live with it and since I have tmj doc told me there is a better chance that your tinnitus is related so I'm hoping she is right idk how long it we'll take to get into a jaw doc so I can get mouth guards but yea I don't see why my tinnitus would stick around there is no reason at all for it to stay and this forum helped me get use to it use to stay in my room everyday and just lay there and sleep 2 weeks later found this forum and it got me up and moving around and eating again just jaw kills me when I eat so I try to stay away from chewy foods hard foods etc thanks to this forum it changed my life and now I'm full of energy and doing everything I use to do and hopefully this is not permenant that's my story and thanks again for this forum it really helped me
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    2. Teri

      Teri Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Welcome Eric! I am hopeful that your T is only temporary. It is not unusual for T to come out of nowhere. The good news for you is that you have found the possible reason for the onset with a good possibility for the T to leave as sudden as it came.

      Good luck.
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    3. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      You will probably be fine, but it's good you are seeing a physician to rule anything out. TMJ may cause tinnitus. Be sure to wear ear protection if you go to noisy places--even movies are usually too loud for people with tinnitus. And you might try taking supplements--especially NAC--for a short period in case you have inflammation. You might also try magnesium for a while as it has calming effect on nerves.

      Stay positive and it may be useful to sleep with some background sounds, like waterfalls, to help mask your tinnitus.

      Good luck and keep us posted!:)
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    4. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for all the positive answers u guys really keep me going and thanks for giving me some things I can take cause ate some KFC tonight with my family and I'm guessing there was salt in the mashed potatoes or something and my tinnitus went off the chart but calmed down alittle 3-4 hrs later and I'll prob try to find a waterfall video or something on my phone cause it's pretty noisy tonight cause of something in the KFC can u maybe tell me what sets off tinnitus? I got some magnesium citrate will that work?
    5. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      This is weird I woke up and noticed that ringing in not coming from my left ear anymore but in my head is that bad? Idk why it would do that
    6. Simplyrain is a very nice app, you can adjust the intesity and the pitch of the rain. 4 months ago i never imagined that i could sleep with the sound of a fake rain but i could. Even if my T left me completely i would still use this at night.
    7. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Yea but why would my left ear ring for 23 days then all of a sudden switch to my head?
    8. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Maybe I was just trippin but yea I think it's still coming from my left ear
    9. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      How long does it take for a referral to get here
    10. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      For most people with tinnitus, the noise starts out in their ear(s) and goes to their head. It is common. And it's not something you can control.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    11. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      It's been 25 days now ringing is getting worser same with my tmj and my tmj is only on the left side where my ear is ringing so I hope that will give me a chance of recovery like I said tinnitus came out of no where and my tmj with it started to get worser still waiting for the ent to get a referal then I prob gotta wait along time to see a jaw specialist the waiting is the hard part I just hope the tinnitus is from my tmj kinda getting scared now

      what's hbo?
    12. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      Look at these threads:

      And below is a journal article that talks about prednisone being most effective the first week after trauma. But since you are still very early into this, you may find an ENT to give you a prescription. You can also try your family physician. Sometimes, they are more willing to help than ENTs.

      There's a lot of information on this forum. But sometimes you have to search for it.

      This is the search area. Just type a word in and press enter. The search bar is on every page. I hope this helps!:)

      Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 2.25.55 PM.png
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    13. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Eric and welcome! :)

      Its very interesting what you say, that it started with your ears, and then switched to your head.
      I had the exact same thing, but for me it seems to be related with posture, as I kept getting temporarily Ts from driving my car, but those were in my ears. Then once I was sitting in front of my computer I got it in my head. They all went away pretty quick, except the last one I got which seems to be a bit more stubborn. So if its not TMJ, I think it could be related to neck, back or shoulders..

      Please keep us updated about your findings :)
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    14. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      But my tinnitus was never brought on by acoustic trauma I am always in a peaceful enviorment and that's what I'm thinking too cause my neck hurts a lot most of the time update: will I was doing some neck massages by myself and the ringing subsided already mite be what I need
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    15. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      how Long did it take the noise to stop I. Your head my left ear is not even ringing that much now my head is driving me crazy if my tmj stops my left ear from ringing will the noise in my head stop?
    16. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Mine always went away from a couple of minutes to a day.. Happened to me a lot in the past after long car drives or sitting in front of my computer in a very static position.. So I guess if its posture related, I would think it should go away once its taken care of.. Im still trying out stuff :)

      I also have a very tender spot between my shoulder blades, around the area of C5/C6 I think (I havent counted the disks),
      And my neck hurts around the C0/C1 area when turning my head to the left..
    17. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Well I started to drink a lot more water and it stopped the noise in my head just got the low ringing in my left ear hoping it will go away after tmj is taken care of
    18. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Great to hear that the head noise went away! :)
    19. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      I got some prednisone yesterday but the dose is only 2 sprays per day is that all I do?
    20. Floyd Mayweather

      Floyd Mayweather Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise exposure or an ear infection, or maybe a combination :(
      Tinnitus can randomly just start for no reason but if I were you I would not be worried at all. It's definitely cause of your TMJ so just relax about it :)
    21. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      ok thanks just having to wait is the hard part but u just made me feel better :)
    22. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last night my ear was ringing loud did some jaw stretches and it went down and I can change the tone everytime I click my jaw so I'm sure it's my tmj :)
    23. Carlos1

      Carlos1 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Root Canal
      Hi Eric my T started last August after a root canal and my jaw got really sore after that too. I been to allot of doctors over the past 11 months and only over the last month or so finally got an MRI on my jaw and it showed the disk on the left side (ringing side) has been macerated I have limited opening and jaw is just sore all the time....I went to see a TMJ surgeon in Boston and he says he's seen allot of people with T related TMJ. He suggested surgery to repair the joint and clean out all debris. I' m hoping that after I have the surgery that not only my TMJ gets resolved but also the T. .....Hang in there man
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    24. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      I can open my mouth all the way it's just the clickng and soreness and ear pain getting me when I wake up its hard to open my mouth at first I'm hoping when they do x-Ray it shows the Bone hitting the ear canal cause if it doesn't then I'm guessing it's not from my tmj it's not even a ringing anymore it's like a screeching sound
    25. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Does anyone know how long it takes a referral to get to a ENT been waiting a week and just getting tired of waiting cause I really need to Goto a jaw dr and I'm still waiting to see a dumb ENT when I know my tinnitus is from my TMJ
    26. Ken219

      Ken219 Member

      New York Area
      Tinnitus Since:
      Summer of 1990
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure?
      AZ. Go over to Mexico. Come back as Jose. Welcome to America. You will get free everything. Sorry moderator but Eric asked for help.
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    27. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      I already get free medical I have mercy care and food stamps
    28. AUTHOR
      Eric Fridley

      Eric Fridley Member

      Tucson AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Idk what happend but my tinnitus switched to my good ear the right one is this still due to my tmj or amd I stuck with this? Update: acually it keeps going from my left ear to right ear is that a good sign or bad?
    29. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I cant say for sure if thats a good thing or bad thing.
      But personally I would think that it is a good thing.

      I have it the same way :) It comes and goes :)
    30. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Maybe it is related to your neck or jaw?

      Ive heard of people that got T from inflammation around a tooth as well..
      Some claim they got it from stress.. A girl I know got T from stress (at least what she told me), and it went away in 6 months..

      T might go away as sudden as it came.. :)

      But I would think that something is a contributing factor.. At least in my case :)

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