Only 3 Months of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis and I'm "Normal Again"... Say Whaaaaaaat?!?!


Jul 16, 2014
Oxford, England
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Labyrinthitis (Inner ear infection)
So 3 month ago i started out on TTalk absolutely DISTRAUGHT as i had suspected Labyrinthitis, Tinnitus, vertigo, sickness and Hearing loss in one ear. I wanted to share with you what I feel is MOST definatly a success story.

I cant even begin to tell you how low, upset, down and suicidal i felt a matter of meer months ago. i wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep, trawled the internet for a cure... Crying every day and calling the doctors.

The vertigo and sickness went in 3 weeks and now 3 months on im left with hearing loss in my right ear and tinnitus.

3 month on (which is such a short time) I can hand on heart say I'm fine! Feeling back to normal apart from the hearing loss which makes things a bit difficult but rarely difficult. I don't focus on the ringing like i used to its not at the forefront of my mind and sometimes i just completely forget its there... yeah when i first read people saying that i didn't believe it but YES it actually happens and its only been 3 months for me.

I was so upset that i would never be able to listen to music again or attend parties but ...Guess what you CAN go to concerts!! Since all mine started i have been to pubs, clubs, parties, live music and drank alcohol! Honestly just go out and live your life as normal THAT is what helps for sure.

Heres what i have done sine having these issues up until now and i believe all this has helped me greatly
- Had a hearing test - Had it explained in detail to me
- Had an MRI to rule out AN
- Started taking anti anxiety tablets - Very low dose (these really helped) i will be weaning myself off these in a months time
- Started TRT, Within 2 sessions i found this really helpful, i was given a white noise generator which i worse religiously for a week now i feel like i honestly don't even need to wear it, i can drown out the T myself by not thinking about it
- STOPPED LOOKING ON THE INTERNET - I cant stress how important it is not to do this, I only now come on TTalk to give positive messages i don't google for a cure or help any more
- Most IMPORTANTLY get back to being YOU! Do things with your family, on your own... you can do ANYTHING you want to... it will only make your T worse if YOU let it!

I hope this has helped everyone that feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel xxx
@lapidus yes I did have Hypercausis, I forgot to mention I got a beeping/morse code type sound whenever I was in crowded places or listening to music in the car. I feel like this has either got better or I'm just not bothered by it anymore
@lapidus yes I did have Hypercausis, I forgot to mention I got a beeping/morse code type sound whenever I was in crowded places or listening to music in the car. I feel like this has either got better or I'm just not bothered by it anymore

That sounds more like reactive tinnitus than hyperacusis though. You also wrote:
"Since all mine started i have been to pubs, clubs, parties, live music..." and "Had an MRI to rule out AN"

Those things would be impossible for someone with H. But maybe it was extremely mild H. Anyway, good that you're feeling better and can cope with your T :)

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