Oral Thrush, Candida and Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Jay M, Jun 5, 2014.

    1. Jay M

      Jay M Member

      South Carolina, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      I've been looking into this symptom that might be contributing to my (and maybe others) T. I've had T since early 2012 but have often forgot about it until it went off in April this year (2014) to an alarming level in both ears. I had an upper respiratory issue and I'm very allergic to certain tree pollens which both had a lot to do with my T this year. In April I didn't make the connection with T, allergies and pollen but good news is it has reduced since the tree pollen is not as high now. Early on, the ENT and Allergist prescribed me Prednisone and Antibiotics. When I finished my meds, I noticed my tongue had an excessively white coating on it. I discovered it was a side effect from taking those meds that is called Candida or Thrush Overgrowth in my mouth. WTH!? My GP gave me a Nystatin Oral mouth wash but that did very little. I've been reading up on it and it's basically a yeast infection but you can't get rid of it, you can only (hopefully) balance it out with good bacteria to get it under control and changes in diet. Every one has it in their intestines but when your immune system gets weak it can spread into other areas of the body such as on the tongue. One individual in a Candida support forum claimed to be an authority and seemed to be knowledgable on the subject and used to have it so bad, including T, he tried everything but only Nystatin enemas (plural) worked. It worked and it stopped his ears from ringing! He said Candida produces many toxins and once it gets out of control it causes the body to react and have many multiple symptoms. He explained that Candida is not in the ears but when the higher levels of toxins produced from the overgrowth in the intestines gets into the blood stream, it ultimately gets into the brain and causes ringing! In the Candida forums, there are other people who have claimed that when their Candida was at it's worse it made their ears ring. Some people have it real bad, I do not but to me it's noticeable. I use a tongue scrapper but the back of my tongue still gets this white coating in only a couple of days so apparently I'm still dealing with this issue. Check your tongue. If your knowledgeable on this subject or have similar symptoms please comment.
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    2. Jeff M.

      Jeff M. Member Benefactor

      La Jolla, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct. 2012
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Jay, bogus about your Thrush! I had a bout with thrush last year, it was nasty!! I already had T, so I can't blame my T on the Candida :confused:, but I didn't experience any affect on my T while dealing with thrush. I had a gnarly looking bug bite or something on my arm, so the doc at urgent care prescribed some extreme antibiotic that took care of the bug bite, but also killed all the "good bacteria" in my mouth!!:blackeye: Dude, it was gross!! It was like I had a mouthful of cotage cheese 24/7!!:depressed: So it was back to the doc to get something to take care of the Thrush (I think it was Nystatin). Lame. Oh yeah then I broke my foot surfing a couple days later. Good times....good times!:LOL:

      I hope your thrush clears up soon Jay and you find some relief from your T!!!!:) And if your T goes away when your thrush goes away please let me know!!!



    3. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Another theory to investigate. Hmm
    4. AUTHOR
      Jay M

      Jay M Member

      South Carolina, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Jeff, like you said you already had T prior to Thrush. For what reasons no one knows but you. Im speaking directly to those who have unexplained T that can not directly relate it to noise, injury or medication. While many are looking and hoping for a cure, some of us here are searching for reasons for sudden and unexplained T bc Doctors dont have the answers. Candida overgrowth is one overlooked symptom that can possibly cause T in an otherwise normal healthy set of ears. Please don't be so quick to dismiss hope bc thats all I was giving.
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    5. Jeff M.

      Jeff M. Member Benefactor

      La Jolla, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct. 2012
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey Jay, I am not dismissing hope, sorry if I came across that way. Who knows, maybe my T WAS caused by Candida overgrowth?? It's certainly worth looking into! As my T was sudden onset, non-trauma/noise induced. Just woke up with my "ears" screaming on Oct. 1 2012. :eek: No rhyme or reason. So believe me, I would love to find a reason for us all!

      I mainly posted on your thread to commiserate about the thrush, being one who also dealt with that. Hoping yours clears up soon. And by all means keep us all posted should you come across any info on a Candida overgrowth - Tinnitus connection. I will do the same. Wouldn't it be fantastic to get rid of our T!!! :)(y)

      Best to you!

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