Pulsatile Tinnitus and Other Symptoms

Discussion in 'Support' started by SadMary, Aug 2, 2015.

    1. SadMary

      SadMary Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      May 2015

      Anybody else get pulsatile tinnitus as if its coming from the middle/back of the head?

      Its that type of noise that you get when you have been running or when you have been in a loud disco and you get the pounding hissing noise in beat to my heart, because I have taken my pulse at the same time but my pulse isnt racing.

      In May I just woke up with it, overnight, just like that.

      It is all day and all night, sometimes it may be a little quieter but it is always there, sometimes louder, sometimes quiter but always there seemingly in the back of the head area pounding out to my ears.

      I also have a painful neck at the back too and alot of tension in my muscles, dont know if its connected? But a stiff painful neck seems to come and go alot since I have this noise in my head!

      I also have a kind of pressure in the head as if I have sinus trouble but I havent got sinus problem but my head does feel blocked if that makes sense.

      If I press my juglar etc it is still there, it doesnt go silent, it changes pitch.

      If I press around the right ear, it changes pitch but still there.

      If I contort the right side of my face, then the pitch changes but is still there.

      Its making me very worried and stressed and low.

      I had a ct scan, no contrast, and it was clear, not convinced that a ct with no contrast would show anything anyway?

      Now I am being referred to an endocrinologist because my cortisol is high but all other bloods are clear.

      Does anybody have any idea??????

      I am scared its an anneurysm or blockage in the neck. The doctor listened for a bruit with his stethoscope but i dont have much faith in him either.

      I am in the premenopause and all this isnt helping.
      I generally feel awful all over and its making me very low.

      Any help please?
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @SadMary,

      I can truly sympathize with you, as I have pulsatile tinnitus, too. Mine, however, is definitely centered in my right ear. Just like yours, mine is constant. Pressing on the neck, around the ear, etc., doesn't make any difference to me. It is always the same. I also have a high-pitched hissing tinnitus along with it.

      It's hard to say what may have caused yours to begin, but hormonal changes could have perhaps had something to do with it. Did you have regular tinnitus before the PT started? In my case, I did have mild regular tinnitus in my right ear. Mine started suddenly, too, after taking blood pressure medicine.

      I agree with you that a CT scan might not have been the best, or only, test that could show what the problem is. Have you had a Doppler of the carotid arteries? You could ask about that the next time you go to the doctor --- or, you could possibly have this test from an independent diagnostic clinic. I had one through Lifeline Screening. If you can get your doctor to order it, you could also have an MRI, along with an MRA (arteries) and MRV (veins). This might be more likely to show if anything is amiss.

      It's good that you're going to an endocrinologist. Perhaps he can be of some help.

      Also, you might want to look up benign intracranial hypertension, to see if you have any of the symptoms mentioned. This can be a common cause of pulsatile tinnitus.

      And yes, that feeling of fullness or pressure in your ears is a common occurrence of those of us with tinnitus. It has to do with an imbalance of the Eustachian tubes. It may clear up in time. Mine finally went away, after a couple of years.

      I hope your doctor is able to help you, and wish you good luck.

      Please keep us posted on how you're doing!

      Best wishes and lots of sympathetic hugs,
    3. AUTHOR

      SadMary Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      May 2015
      Thank you Karen for your reply.
      I dont know when I will see the endocrinologist but I hope it is soon.
      I am sure I am hypothyroid too. I am having some awful symptoms ontop of this beating in my head, very cold, low basal temperature, palpitations, my thyroid seems sore and the list goes on :(
      I have heard that hypothryoid can cause tinnitus too.
      I am so tired and fed up, seem to fall asleeep on the spot too.
      Thanks again
    4. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Yes, it does sound like you might be hypothyroid, from your symptoms. I hope your doctor will agree to put you on thyroid medication. If he does, you will probably begin to feel a whole lot better. It can really restore your energy and equilibrium. I now test normal, on thyroid medication.

      Will you post an update after you see the endocrinologist? I'd like to hear what the outcome of your visit is.

      If you'd like to discuss further, you may send me a private message. To do that, go to your "Inbox" at the top of the main page, and click on Start a Conversation. It will prompt you through what to do.

      Take care,
    5. AUTHOR

      SadMary Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      May 2015
      Hi Karen, I will let you know how I get on although it looks like a long wait for an endocrinologist appointment. I am convinced I am hypothryoid but I dont know if it is connected to the 24/7 tinnitus. I hope it is and I will keep you informed.
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