Questions to Ask a Doctor

Discussion in 'Support' started by MacZilla, Jul 30, 2013.

    1. MacZilla

      MacZilla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I’m looking for another doctor as my general practitioner has moved on, entire office shut down (Bummer). As I’m looking for a new general practitioner is there anything that I should be looking out for? What’s type of doctor would be best for the overall ringing? Also I know I need to go back to UIC to see an ENT.

      A few years back I had a great testing done at UIC and they did it good, however my healthcare provider has changed. We switched from HMO to EPO I sort of have to start all over again.

      I’ve been in denial as to having the ringing from damage to the inner ears as I though it was from dental work and the medication and that it would go away over time. Not happening.

      Ringing is worse, increase in headaches and ringing is unbearable. Thanks for hearing me out (No Pun Intended)
    2. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      GPs and tinnitus is a no no. ENT people dismiss you as soon as they hear the tinnitus word. They are very afraid of things they don't know anything about in general. So, ask anyone you seek medical advice this:

      Do you have a solid experience in engaging in tinnitus issues and do you take a personal interest in finding solutions?

      Another questions could be: Do you believe tinnitus is something we all should just cope with without trying the best to find treatment methods? If the person answers something even close to yes then walk away. They should not be able to bill you for sending you straight out the door.
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    3. AUTHOR

      MacZilla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      That’s a lot to learn to say it without delay. However the ENTs Doctors at UIC did agree that my hearing loss was work related and that ringing could have come from there. I’d go down there yet that’s a haul for me and from the lack of parking to traffic I’m looking for a local one. (I live in Chicago, Illinois)

      As for paying them for the visit it’s a pay first then you get to see them. Yes there have been times I have felt like saying “I’m paying for this?”

      “Do you have a solid experience in engaging in tinnitus issues and do you take a personal interest in finding solutions?”

      I have noticed that they don’t want to get into tinnitus and other such matters, I don’t know why that is. Most of the doctors around will be GP and IM (Internal Medicine) to find those that would cover that I’d have to look for a specialist and to get to them I need a referral from a GP or IM.

      Thanks for the information there’s a lot to learn here.
    4. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      MacZilla, I'm sorry to hear that you find it difficult to get serious medical response but you are not alone. In general GP's doesn't know anything about tinnitus, my personal impression is that this forum carries more general knowledge. I have not experienced any better response from ENT's and by reading posts here they are in general very weak on tinnitus globally. That's why I advise you to ask in advance if they take a special interest in tinnitus, if they can't produce a solid answer then avoid them totally.

      I'm planning more medical assessments this autumn myself and I will not risk my health by paying for rubbish doctors. Read up on tinnitus as much as you can, be the "annoying" person that asks questions to see if they know what they are talking about. Any medical person that doesn't like to be challenged is no good in my world, that shows their ignorance and lack of interest in general. That's not what we want.
    5. Ears

      Ears Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10 yrs
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I get tinnitus in both ears really loud, some days almost silent, other days so loud.

      Also I get terrible pain behind my ears, and eyes & head hurt. Anyone else get this?

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