Quiet Equipment (Vacuum Cleaners, Hair Dryers, Lawn Mowers, etc.)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Rhea, Apr 14, 2015.

    1. Rhea

      Rhea Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi all,

      I mentioned this briefly on another thread, but I just wanted to say over the last 6 months I have hunted down quieter electrical equipment to make life a little easier...

      I now am in possession of the world's quietest hair dryer, vacuum cleaner and kettle :) I can honestly say all three have really been a great help - I can now vacuum whenever I want, dry my hair with a hair dryer rather than waiting hours for it to dry naturally, and I can now stay in the same room when the kettle boils rather than hiding in the lounge until it finishes!

      If anyone is interested in the makes/models etc, I will be happy to share. It would also be nice to hear of any other suggestions for quieter stuff that anyone else has come across.

      Rhea x
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    2. adam2525

      adam2525 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      @Rhea, what vacuum and kettle did you end up with?
    3. AUTHOR

      Rhea Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Vacuum = Bosch BGS5SIL2GB Power Silence (66 dB) - yes it really is only 66 dB!

      Hair dryer = Panasonic Quiet Silent EH-ND52 Hair Blow Dryer Blower (49 dB) - I didn't think there was anyway a hair dryer could be only 49 dB... and I was right, it's about 70 dB BUT still the quietest hair dryer I have ever used.

      Kettle = Russell Hobbs 20460 Buckingham Kettle - Stainless Steel - no dB advertised but I can tell you it is a hell of a lot quieter than any kettle I've had before and I measure it about 69 dB on my dB reader.

      :) Hope that helps!
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    4. Ant_BXL

      Ant_BXL Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Club visit/loud music
      Has anyone found other quiet vacuum cleaners? Thinking about getting a robot so that I can do it when not home?
      • Creative Creative x 1
    5. Bobby1221

      Bobby1221 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Closed-back over the ear headphones
      I just, after 24 years, decided to use hearing protection when vacuuming. I have a Kenmore, and it is very powerful and loud, but I never thought of wearing hearing protection until now.

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