Recently Experiencing Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Atavian, May 30, 2014.

    1. Atavian

      Atavian Member

      Valdosta, Georgia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Good morning, everyone.

      My name is Joseph and I recently developed tinnitus, though the cause is currently unknown. I was not exposed to loud noise as I've read happens with many people who have tinnitus, but rather have been sick for a little over the past month. The cause is currently unknown; I don't have insurance, though hopefully this will change in a couple weeks time, and therefore do not have much medical access. I've been in and out of the emergency room several times, particularly the past week, sometimes visiting twice in a single day, to the point where they essentially told me to stop coming back. The last doctor I saw firmly told me that I am a hypochondriac and there is "absolutely nothing wrong with me." This is simply not true.

      My illness began shortly after I cleaned mold out of my car. I began experiencing tightness in my jaw and throat that night and went to the emergency room that night, where I received a steroid shot. I felt better for the next couple days but eventually began experiencing a wide range of symptoms: sore throat, nausea, vomiting, muscular aches in my neck and shoulders, pain in both ears, etc. I had my car steam cleaned to be free of the mold but the symptoms persisted and after a couple weeks of feeling horrible went back to the ER, only to be told my blood work was fine and I must have a virus, for which there is no treatment.

      All of this would have been easy to handle. It was when I first began to hear the ringing that I became very frightened. It began in very silent settings; I was in the library studying when I realized my ears were ringing very loudly. I left the room and everything was fine. Over the next several days I realized my ears would ring when it was very quiet. A few days after that my ears would ring persistently. Since going to the hospital many times I've received many diagnoses: Ear infections caused by fluid in both ears, Menere's disease, upper sinus infection, Dystachian Tube Dysfunction, and a virus that could have possibly infected the nerves in my ears. The doctors assure me the ringing will dissipate eventually but I've been doing a lot of research that scares me.

      I don't know if the mold exposure is somehow connected but that is when it all began. The ringing I hear is consistent but not terrible. It's been going on for a couple weeks now and I've noticed that some days, and some hours within those days, are better than others. Sometimes I can barely hear it at all, such as when I'm outside or there is even a slight amount of sound -- the hum of a computer, for example. Other times it feels like signals are shooting out of my head. I was very suicidal for a few days after doing all of the frightening, obsessive research I did that tinnitus was uncurable, but I think I'm finally ready to handle this, whether it will go away or not. This is my first post but I've read a lot of the boards and would like advice and experience from some of the people I see here, if it isn't too much to ask.

      My ringing is usually a very high pitched wailing, though sometimes it can also be a chirping sound. Sometimes high frequency sounds are too high for normal, which, as I understand, is called hyperacusis. My main problem at first was being too obsessive and reading a lot of horror stories on the Internet. I'm trying to change that by finding a more positive forum here. As far as I can tell, it is the best of the groups I have come across.

      I think I can handle this if it continues. What I'm mostly worried is that the ringing will get much worse. I'm also worried that doctors will not understand what I'm going through, or that I won't have the money to access the ones who do. Another worry (there are many right now) is that the medication I am on is increasing the issue. Right now I'm taking:

      Prednisone -- For the next few days. I'm currently being tapered down.

      Claritin 24 Hour -- Once a day, in an effort to get my ears decongested. I cannot pop them and it may be due to my tubes being blocked. I've been blowing my nose a lot, which makes my ears pop, but they still don't seem right.

      Antivert -- Once again, to fight off the allergies, if that's what this is. I'll be taking this for at least the next week or so.

      Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm terrified of returning to college after the weekend. So far I've been going through this on my week long summer break, where I've spent a lot of time in my room. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.

      I'm a writer as well as a student and the idea of not being able to write is what depresses me the most. I've been listening to white noise the past several days, which helps me read, but I don't think I've adjusted to it yet. I'd really appreciate some input if there is any. The doctors really haven't been able to help me at all aside from prescribing the medications and doing an MRI to show there was no tumor on my brain.

    2. AUTHOR

      Atavian Member

      Valdosta, Georgia
      Tinnitus Since:
      I know my post was long, but are there really going to be no replies?
    3. chronicburn

      chronicburn Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey there, i'm also new on this forum and with the tinnitus problems, but it sounds like we're more or less in the same boat, mine started too 2 weeks ago and is also a high pitched sound with sounds the most like crickets or a very high pitched alarm with a lot of static, it also started after a period in which i was relatively sick because of allergies to grass and tree pollen, i went to the doctor too who thought it was fluid in my ears and prescribed me nasal decongestant spray and cortisone tablets, which didnt help, i went to 2 ENTs last week and the first one said there was nothing wrong with my ears as hearing test was fine and sent me away with an appointment with another ENT specialist, which is tomorrow, in the meantime i went to another ENT and she thinks im having blocked Eustachian Tubes, and prescribed me some pseudoephedrin and cetirizine to combat the allergies and open up my sinuses etc... I share your fears mate as until now there has been no improvements in my condition im also worried that i'm doing things that are actually making it worse, i've also been researching way to much on the internet about it and unfortunately there are only negative stories to be found, and the more you read the more questions you have... I'm convinced that in both our cases the cause will be an infection/inflammation of some kind and i'm hoping it will go away after some time, but the incertainty is a heavy burden to carry,

      I'm sorry i can't give you any advice but imho the medication you're on will not make it worse ;)

      Best of luck and please let me know if it gets solved!
    4. Hudson

      Hudson Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      Sorry to hear that you've developed tinnitus. It is really difficult to know whether it will go away or not. You were right in seeking out medical attention. I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that you probably have a good shot of it getting better, considering that it was associated to some odd medical issues occurring at the same time. Of course, that is only my speculation. It seems tinnitus that is due to auditory damage can become chronic in a lot more cases. Were you vacuuming your car that you were cleaning mold from? Have your other symptoms died down yet? Hang in there, you're still very early on since the onset of your tinnitus and I wouldn't jump to any conclusions that it's going to get worse or be chronic.

      All the best,

    5. AUTHOR

      Atavian Member

      Valdosta, Georgia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you for the replies. I also hope we're in the same situation, Chronic, and our ears will be mended quickly. Yesterday was a good day for me but I had trouble sleeping last night when the ringing became worse. I'm about to leave for school now for the first time (mostly) since all this began. I'm hoping a change of surroundings is going to improve my spirits.

      Hudson -- No, there was no vaccum. I can't think of anything that could possibly have caused noise induced hearing loss. I'm really not sure if the mold is to blame at all but that is when the symptoms began -- all of which have mostly subsided now. I remember my ears burning very badly before I noticed the ringing. But the sore throat, the pain, the nausea, etc .... none of them are persistent now. I've read a lot of people develop tinnitus after illnesses like these.

      About a week and a half away from having insurance and seeing a doctor thereafter. Like I said, so far it's been only ER treatment, which hasn't been beneficial in any way. I'm looking forward to having more answers, whether they are good or bad.
    6. alifalijohn

      alifalijohn Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hang there! it sounds like yours will clear up..God not think about the tinnitus, and most of the time it seems like it has gone away..let us know.

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