I have a question- I have read an article about driving a school bus and the loud noise. I asking this question because the article said that the school bus can go up to 100 db when there are kids on the bus. Now I drive a van bus (the article was a big bus) and the kids that I have had in the past are very quiet. So my question is is the sound of the engine inside the bus too loud when it is me driving and either the kids are quiet or I am only on board. I know that they are supposed to pass inspection and not be above 85 db. I know that the back up alarm and the emergency exit alarm are loud. I can pop my ear plugs in when doing a fire alarm or baking up. I drove a van bus for almost 2 years and it has never affected my T but now that my T has changed a bit I am worried with school starting. I asked my ENT and he said to wear the ear plugs in the yard and that he did now know of any studies about driving the bus. I looked online and couldn't find anything- that does not mean it it not out there. I went for a test run today for about 15 minutes with the window cracked a bit and now it seems that my T is a bit worse (I think that that is my anxiety kicking in). I was able to hear the man sitting behind me and we were using normal voices. Will driving a bus cause any more damage to my ears. The kids that I get a quiet not like a big bus full of a football team!!
Thanks for all your replies in advanced.
I have a question- I have read an article about driving a school bus and the loud noise. I asking this question because the article said that the school bus can go up to 100 db when there are kids on the bus. Now I drive a van bus (the article was a big bus) and the kids that I have had in the past are very quiet. So my question is is the sound of the engine inside the bus too loud when it is me driving and either the kids are quiet or I am only on board. I know that they are supposed to pass inspection and not be above 85 db. I know that the back up alarm and the emergency exit alarm are loud. I can pop my ear plugs in when doing a fire alarm or baking up. I drove a van bus for almost 2 years and it has never affected my T but now that my T has changed a bit I am worried with school starting. I asked my ENT and he said to wear the ear plugs in the yard and that he did now know of any studies about driving the bus. I looked online and couldn't find anything- that does not mean it it not out there. I went for a test run today for about 15 minutes with the window cracked a bit and now it seems that my T is a bit worse (I think that that is my anxiety kicking in). I was able to hear the man sitting behind me and we were using normal voices. Will driving a bus cause any more damage to my ears. The kids that I get a quiet not like a big bus full of a football team!!
Thanks for all your replies in advanced.