Severe Cervical Misalignment Caused My Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Brendon, May 7, 2021.

    1. Brendon

      Brendon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Signs point to a cervical issue
      I got tinnitus in December after moving apartments. I lifted a bunch of heavy stuff myself. Originally I went to a physical therapist for three weeks and that didn't help at all. Then I checked out a chiropractor and he showed me I had a major rotational misalignment in my atlas. Like about 18 degrees, as well as a vertical shift (think of a plate on a table and lift up one side of it).

      After about 20 sessions (twice a week) he got it down to about 12 degrees — still a severe misalignment. I still have tinnitus. It's gotten somewhat better (about half as loud as it was) and the times it got better usually coincided with days I got adjusted. It's still debilitating though, and I'm wondering if anyone has any cervical experiences they could share that might be helpful.

      My neck is also kind of straight (not curved as much like it's supposed to be). I don't know if I should be doing stretches, or also doing physical therapy, or using a certain kind of pillow, or yoga (I've tried yoga and my tinnitus volume is immediately lowered afterward, but I don't know if that's gonna make adjustments take longer), or what.

      Or maybe I should just sit tight and keep going to the chiropractor and hope for the best?

      It's slow going though and frustrating just waiting around. I already lost my job because of not being able to sleep well enough.
    2. NewLionel

      NewLionel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Brendon.

      I too am suffering from a misaligned atlas which is causing me all sorts of problems. I have just started seeing a chiropractor.

      Did you find anything that helps?

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