Should I Try Silent Environment and Ear Plugs for a Couple of Days?


Jul 21, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic Trauma

I've been wondering that should I be in total or almost total silence for couple of days? I've given some thought to this because my T is really quiet at mornings compared to evening. At morning I can barely hear it when I go outside (there's only semidistant traffic sound outside my appartment) but when I'm driving back from the work/gym/etc at evening, I can always hear the T even over loud tire/engine sounds.

Does anyone else have quiet T at the morning and really loud at the evening after working a day in a busy office environment?

Every doctor I have met say that I people with T shouldn't avoid "normal sounds" which includes city traffic I guess which can be, in my opinion, pretty loud sometimes.
My tinnitus is often quieter in the mornings, if I don't use masking at night, and it often becomes louder in the evenings. But I tried doing ear plugs for awhile and I don't think it helped overall. Seemed so for awhile, but nowadays I can handle those "normal sounds" you mention much better than when I was actively avoiding them. Still, it's sensible to protect your hearing. People who have never had trouble can be quite foolish in what they expose themselves too. I was.
I've been toying with over using earplugs trying to rest them during the week to help the Potiga work that I'm taking ... I feel like it's good but can lead to over sensitivity and Hyperacusis.
At morning I can barely hear it when I go outside (there's only semidistant traffic sound outside my appartment) but when I'm driving back from the work/gym/etc at evening, I can always hear the T even over loud tire/engine sounds.

Traffic sounds can be quite loud, especially in big cities. You might consider using earplugs just while you're driving and getting out of the car to going to work, etc. You don't need sirens, etc., blaring in your ears!

At work, I would not protect unless the noise level was over 70 dB. If you overprotect, you're ears will get worse--both for tinnitus and hyperacusis.

Does anyone else have quiet T at the morning and really loud at the evening after working a day in a busy office environment?

My tinnitus is generally very quiet when I wake up and will get louder as the day progresses. It is especially sensitive to noises like air conditioners, loud furnaces, etc. This is even true if I'm having a good day.
For me my T is quieter in the morning and if I stay in a "quiet" and low action environment the entire day my T stays quieter unless I stay up late.
And yes the eve brings a little hump in my t usually but the POTIGA has made them less intense.

Glad to hear the Potiga is still working.:)
How does over protecting make the T worse? I get the H but why the T?

I don't recall now; but I'm sure I've read about the dangers of overprotecting for both tinnitus and hyperacusis. Maybe it is because people with tinnitus--as well as hyperacusis--have an overactive auditory system People with tinnitus--even if they don't have hyperacusis--are more sensitive to all sounds. This sensitivity is increased by overprotection.

If I find a better explanation, I promise to post! :)
I kind of tried it. I was home in really quiet environment for 2 days. The T got louder towards the night, maybe a bit slower but 2-3 hours before going to sleep the T was loud again as usual. So I guess it isn't purely about noises during the day. It's also about your nerve system getting excited/stimulated during the day and how perky you are.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

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