Sleep Supplement Concoction Experience

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tweaker, Feb 15, 2017.

    1. Tweaker

      Tweaker Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      In an attempt to be rid of mirtazapine and zopiclone once and for all I took instead a concoction of tryptophan, herbal sleeping tabs (valerian, hops and passionflower), melatonin and magnesium.
      It seemed to work OK but on the fifth day I woke at 3.30 with horrific screaming T and I felt dehydrated and hungover all day.

      Was it the concoction to blame or the fact hat I had not taken mirtazapine (usual 1/4 tab) or any zopiclone for 5 days which shocked my system. I tend to feel it was the concoction that I didn't sleep off and had built up in my system. Anyone got any thoughts. I will probably go back to mirtazapine (1/4 tablet) and possibly half a zopiclone for one night and decide from there.

      I'm not exactly sure what strategy to take going ahead. In the past non-prescription meds had never really had any affect on my T or help me sleep but I have never taken so many things together before..

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