So disappointed with an ENT

Discussion in 'Support' started by derpytia, May 7, 2014.

    1. derpytia

      derpytia Member Benefactor

      Rescue, California
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/2014 (many increases since then)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progressive hearing loss / noise / ETD
      Went to my second ENT today and I didn't like him either. He treated me as if I was wasting his time and he still has no idea what is wrong with me. Then he said he didn't want to "waste his or my time" by getting tests done on my ear to see if maybe it is ETD or hydrops that is causing the fullness I've been feeling in my ear for months. Doesn't he think it would be a good idea to rule things out so he can make a better diagnosis? I really hope it isn't hydrops because I don't want to get Meniere's disease, that's the LAST thing I want for myself. I'm starting to get really irritated with these ENTs treating me like they don't want me in their offices! Do they all act condescending when they can't figure something out right away?! Why can't I just find a sympathetic ENT who actually cares?
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. cmurem

      cmurem Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had been felt fullness one year ago for a month..I think it was because of stress which tense the mini muscles linked to eustachian tube.
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    3. James
      No Mood

      James Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Pulsing 03/2013
      Sorry to read about your disappointment. You'd think doctors would have more of a bed side manor, meaning being tactful and understanding even if they don't have the answers you want to hear. I was so glad finally to get an apt. with my ENT, expecting a cure, just to hear him say something like - there is no cure. That took the wind out my sails.
    4. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      You could try a neurotologist. They specialize in ear diseases. You might find one who is interested in testing you. Have you been tested for ETD? Check out the article below. And try to find a neurotologist who is in your health plan. They are very expensive.

      And I'm afraid most ENTs are not interested in people with tinnitus or even ETD. Tinnitus is generally not amenable to treatment, though if caused by ETD it may be treatable. But, of course, ETD is also hard to treat. Typically, most physicians will give you nasal steroids to reduce the swelling. Once reduced, it may be several months before the tinnitus leaves.

      Since your tinnitus is very new, there's a good chance it will go away on its own. Many people also get aural fullness when they initially get tinnitus, but it generally dissipates in a few months.

      Try to remain optimistic, make sure you get enough sleep, and keep background music on at all times to help distract you from the noise.

      Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!:)
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. awbw8

      awbw8 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      hey there @derpytia have you tried a list from the ATA of ENTs and other professionals in your area who deal with tinnitus? I will be the first to admit that the ATA is not any kind of end-all, be-all (despite good intentions), but they do have lists of practitioners (ENTs, neurologists, audiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists etc.) who deal with T patients - they're likely to be more sympathetic and understanding of a T patient. I wrote the ATA and got this list last year for CA and New York (where my family lives and where I live respectively - wasn't sure where I'd end up because I was such a mess). Anyway, I attached the file. There are pages of specialists from all over the state - I hope it helps! Keep in mind it's also a year old, but I don't imagine it changes much.

      Other than that, keep hunting for that MD who is also a healer - I have total faith you'll find him/her and it will be worth it. I know I'm a broken record with this - but keep asking the questions you're asking (getting tests etc.), you're paying for the doctor's time, so you can't really be "wasting" it - shame on them for saying so or acting like you are doing so.

      Hope the list helps and may you heal soon!

      Attached Files:

      • CA.pdf
        File size:
        134.4 KB
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    6. Penelope33

      Penelope33 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2013
      When you say fullness, do you mean like a stuffed up feeling with hearing a little muffled? I had this before the t came along. I think some people do and it's not likely to be an underlying issue.
    7. AUTHOR

      derpytia Member Benefactor

      Rescue, California
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/2014 (many increases since then)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progressive hearing loss / noise / ETD
      @Penelope33 i mean like a pressure fullness. when i open that side of my jaw i can feel air going out and the pressure going away for a few seconds before filling back up again. like there's excess air in there or something.

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