Some Advice on What to Do Next?

Discussion in 'Support' started by SteveA, Aug 11, 2014.

    1. SteveA

      SteveA Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello everyone,
      Steve, 25, from UK here.

      I've had 'mild' T in both ears for as long as I can remember. I hardly ever used to notice it and it hardly ever affected me.
      However since about 3 months ago (May 2014), it has started producing a new sound (high pitched ringing which can be heard over most things.) It has reached a 'moderate' level in my right ear and 'mild/moderate' in my left.
      I've tried to narrow down on what has changed within the past 3 months:

      Potential causes:
      • Slightly impacted wisdom tooth on lower left side. It's 'partially' in my gum and has been there for about a year now. Saw a dentist in March - was advised to keep it clean and 'wait' - if it gets infected/abscess then we can remove it. (so I have to wait to be in excruciating pain before they can do anything) As of right now, I can feel it putting ever more pressure on my jaw.
      • I used to wear braces at 16 (I'm 25 now) so I think I may have a mis-aligned bite. I can hear a faint 'clicking' sound in my ears if I hold my jaw in a certain place. (only in a very quiet room though). And I know I clench my jaw in my sleep too. However have no other jaw related pain. (TMJ?)

      Potential Agitators:
      • Stopped training at the gym since March 2014. (looking to get back by mid-October)
      • Gym used to keep my posture in check, I slouch and work on a pc everyday, I'm thinking this may have agitated it
      • New expensive headphones. Very clear in the higher frequencies. I never listen at loud volumes however I think the clarity may have deceived me and had them on for 1 hour max and a moderately high volume.

      So, what action have I taken?
      I visited my GP this morning explaining all the above.
      • Result: Got told to take a blood test? - not sure this is relevant but will get it done anyway.

      What should I do next?
      • Push for some kind of specialist scans through the NHS - for my jaw area/ wisdom tooth?
      • Visit my dentist and get him to look at it?
      • (GP advice) Wait patiently till I can get back to the gym and back into my old active lifestyle to see if this helps?
      • See a specialist asap? (could anyone recommend something in the Midlands)
      • Any other advice?

      Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    2. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sounds like it indeed could be a dental/bite issue, so a visit to the dentist and/or dental specialist is in order.

      You also might go to an audiologist and see if you have hearing loss. You need to find someone who will test above the standard 8000 hz. Perhaps the head phones aggravated your tinnitus, although it sounds like you were not super abusing the volume levels.

      Not sure if exercise has anything to do with it, and don't understand why the GP wants a blood test (did he/she say?)

      Good luck!
    3. AUTHOR

      SteveA Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks LadyDi,

      Yes, def need to see a specialist to check if my jaw is causing any issues.

      The thing is you're only referred to a specialist if you're on the verge of insanity. Its what I've experienced with the NHS. If you tell them "yeah I'm coping with it" all you get is a "fine carry on"..this may be my area only though.

      The GPs exact words were "let's see if there's any other underlying issue" idea what she meant by that...

      Hopefully someone with similar experience from the UK can chime in?
    4. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yes @Steve A, hope so, too. Your health care system is different from ours. Both have their pluses and minuses it seems. Hang in there and let us know how it goes.

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