Suddenly a New Tinnitus Tone — B12 Injection Yesterday — Or Longer Lasting Fleeting Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Fally, May 30, 2019.

    1. Fally

      Fally Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      6 years
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      no sure
      So yesterday had my B12 injection and my tinnitus seemed to drop like it always does. Woke up this morning to it being quieter.

      All of a sudden tonight, half an hour ago, a new tone has come out of nowhere in my left ear.

      I have never had any tones in this ear. Before it's always been white noise. My right ear has tones.

      I have not been exposed to any loud noises or anything so I am baffled as to why my ear has suddenly developed this loud tone because it's quite intrusive.

      Worse thing is I'm about to go to bed and I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep now.

      I'm really hoping it's gone by morning but I'm terrified it won't be and I will be stuck with it. I think it's actually louder than my other tones in my ears. I'd do anything for my white noise to be back.

      A part of me is hoping it's fleeting tinnitus that got stuck and will calm down in the morning, another part of me wonders if it was my B12 injection.

      This wouldn't be the first time I've gotten a tone for no reason.

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